12.12.2024 – Wounded healers – 2 Comments on An example of God helping process trauma An example of God helping process trauma Almost all of us have experienced trauma of one kind or another. And many of us may never get around to trying to f…
12.10.2024 – Refugees & Crisis – 1 Comment on Trauma Processing Can Begin As Wars End Trauma Processing Can Begin As Wars End The photo above is a shot of the citizens of Syria looking for food or a chance to leave their country as it is b…
12.03.2024 – Dreaming Your Art Needs a Frame: The Power of Structure in Creativity The picture above is of an old church in Sorrento, Italy. Its priest, my friend Rito Maresca, has a dream of a co…
11.27.2024 – Education How We Read Books is Radically Changing I love books and spend much of my life reading, but the way I read books has been undergoing a radical tranformat…
11.25.2024 – Comfort and Pain Do Hard Things The path forward seemed so hard. My dream was to start Adventures.org, but it seemed impossible. Karen was pregna…
An out-of-control mom Parenting A lot of parents need to get a life. Some are WAY too involved in their children’s lives. It leads to crazy dysfunctional behavior when they become adults. H…
Short-term missions should mobilize you for the kingdom Short-term missions I’ve been doing short-term missions (STMs) for 30 years now as an organizer and participant. I’ve written more articles and essays on the subject than I can …
What was he thinking? Identity issues John Frank Dieguez wrote this post from South Africa. Sitting in the pew behind Weolthu I think about the conversation I witnessed minutes ago between him a…