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10 Debriefing Resources

not being a victim
Jesus did it; so should we. Every mission trip needs a debrief. You go some place on mission. You serve and then come home. If the mission trip did its job, you grew. Jesus asked his disciples to report after their Luke 10 experience. It was his way of cementing the lessons learned. We have t…
By Seth Barnes

Jesus did it; so should we.

Every mission trip needs a debrief. You go some place on mission. You serve and then come home. If the mission trip did its job, you grew.

Jesus asked his disciples to report after their Luke 10 experience. It was his way of cementing the lessons learned.

We have to talk about what happened and why it happened if we are to grow.

I put together a series of resources to help leaders facilitate their debriefing process. Here they are:


1.  How to debrief your mission team

2.  Biblical foundations for debriefs

3.  Why debrief?

4.  Subjects to cover

5.  30 questions to ask

6.  How debriefs make a difference

7.  Different ways to debrief

8.  Why debriefing is so important

9.  Debriefing & spiritual vision

10.  Debriefing life’s journey

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