3 Things Meant By: ‘Having a YES in your spirit’

1. Yes to Lordship – Jesus asked his disciples to obey. As they traveled, he would ask them to do or not do various things, things that might cause them to fear. He asked Peter to walk on water. He asked him to put down his sword. He asked him to let down his nets. He asked him to love the other disciples.
2. Yes to community – Jesus asked his disciples to love one another – to form honest, servant-hearted, vulnerable community with one another.
3. Yes to change – Jesus has good news for people – he wants to set them free. To follow Jesus and become more like him, we are going to need to change. We must commit to dealing with past issues and hurts that get in the way.
Jesus is always asking his disciples questions. Has he asked you any lately? Has Jesus asked you to change your priorities? Were you able to respond with a “yes”? What would it mean for you to have a big YES in your spirit?
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This is to post my sincere-most appreciation for this educative and challenging summon. Keeping you in prayer as you enrich my soul and many others across the world for the glory of God and his son Jesus Christ.
My dear brother. In the four decades I have known you and Karen this has been your ethic and path. I’m grateful for your friendship and love you very much.
Saying the yeses all throughout the day to the small bushes and yes to the big too. Thank you for your example.
What a good word Seth. So applicable to anyone preparing to enter a ‘next stage of life’. Miss you my friend.