3 year-old sex slave 2 years later

of a three year-old in the Philippines who had been sold for $60 to
become a sex-slave. He was going to be trafficked to Japan. At the last
second, some locals intervened. Marisa Banas recently tracked him down and the news was good. Here’s the rest of the story…
About a month after the initial posting I was surprised by a
casual comment given to me by my squad leader. “Hey, I have good news for you. My friend Sarah Hastings has gone buck wild and changed that
sex slave kid’s life…you know, the one that you blogged about.”
Here is where the story gets good.
Just a busy mom with two active toddler twins… Just a woman with a compassionate heart… Just someone that loves the Lord…
That is who
Sarah Hastings is. And after
reading about Michael she let the haunting pictures make her so angry that her
only choice was to take action.
She decided to enlist
her family to trade the age-old tradition of giving and receiving Christmas
gifts for sponsoring Michael Angelo’s family. Through PCF the family was
lavished with food, clean water, clothing, paid school fees and even a taxi
type of vehicle that would enable the father to provide with.
A couple of weeks ago we sent a current World Race team into
the village to find Michael Angelo and report the family’s well being after 2
years. They found him. Michael is healthy. The father is
working construction and renting his vehicle to someone else so they are making
even more money. Most of the kids
are in school, and Michael Angelo will be enrolled in the next school
session. This time when they went
there, the children had clothes.
And although they still don’t have much and are still dirt poor, their lives
have been touched. His mother was especially humbled by all that she has been
given. Wouldn’t you if that were
your family?
It is possible to make a difference, and you don’t have to
be a hero to be a hero. Thank you
Sarah Hastings for your tender heart, and for your relentless compassion that
led you to taking matters into your own hands and extending the reach of God
even farther.
A recent pictures of Michael Angelo:
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thank You, Jesus, for the good endings… for the saves… for the hope… for the giving… all things that You excel at… I love You…
That’s great news! After you blogged about him the first time, I printed his picture and hung it on my office wall, so I think of him often. I’m so glad his story is turning out well. Thanks for the update, it puts a huge smile on my face.
This entire issue has been haunting me lately…more so than it had in the past, and believe me, it had. We have a Vietnamese daughter, so the face of the horrors of this life confront me routinely, thinking of her counterparts on the other side of the world who do not have her life.
So I went back and read the accounts, and was reaffirmed that my choice to donate recent yard sale proceeds to fight this cause were directed by God. But it is not enough, and my malaise at this issue is churning. But I believe that it will become a catalyst for further action.
A local friend has returned recently from eleven years of caring and serving in Thailand; I have taken on sponsoring a young woman who left the trade through Daughters of Cambodia, and will pray and listen for God to direct other ways to make a difference.
I live in a neighborhood I often describe as one I “don’t belong in.” It is affluent and just all went uphill (not downhill, but uphill, if you get what I mean…) from us. But now I think, no, this may very well be a blessing…
As I listen for direction, I fell God prompting me to organize a neighborhood drive to combat this issue…I could start by printing your posts, placing them in beautiful envelopes and distributing them, and then seeing what God does…I would keep a tally and make a donation to a 501C3 and get receipts…for accountability and that all important tax deduction…
Allow the creative mind God has given you, and the circumstances He has placed you in to be used “for such a time as this.”
Thanks, Seth for all you do.
Please tell me what PCF stands for. Thanks. Alida w5
here’s about PCF: https://www.sethbarnes.com/post/3-yearold-sex-slave-followup