5 reasons you need to do the World Race!

Look at this picture. It’s a magical scene from a town called Dumaguete, in the Philippines. It was just posted by Ashley Huizenga to her World Race blog a few minutes ago. And it reminds me of why I love the World Race so much. It’s f…
By Seth Barnes

Look at this picture. It’s a magical scene from a town called Dumaguete, in the Philippines. It was just posted by Ashley Huizenga to her World Race blog a few minutes ago. And it reminds me of why I love the World Race so much. It’s full of moments like Ashley experienced when she captured this shot – seeing things around the world for the first time.
I wish the World Race had existed when I was in my 20’s. I traveled the world and had my own adventures, but it wasn’t until later in life that I learned how to live in community and live a kingdom-focused life.
Sending my oldest two on the race was one of the best things we ever did to help them lead full lives and make their faith their own. Here are five reasons why, if you’re considering it, you need to go:
1. Adventure. We’ve made life too dull. Ride in the back of a truck through the African bush, see the Taj Majal, swim off the coast of a Thai island, bungee jump in South Africa, feed orphans and
widows. We know there’s a big world out there, and we need to see it before we settle down. The
World Race takes you to over ten different countries across four different
continents – the adventures you have will last a lifetime.
widows. We know there’s a big world out there, and we need to see it before we settle down. The
World Race takes you to over ten different countries across four different
continents – the adventures you have will last a lifetime.
2. Community. We all yearn to be known, but community runs a lot deeper than a dorm
room. Living life with others who really understand and accept you is what we were born for. Explore the heart of Acts community and see
it come to life through relationships that you’ll maintain even after the World
room. Living life with others who really understand and accept you is what we were born for. Explore the heart of Acts community and see
it come to life through relationships that you’ll maintain even after the World
3. Identity. Going on the World Race
introduces you to the person that God wants you to be. You’ll learn how God wants to use that to live the life he created you for – a life where your dreams come true. Let’s face it – you’re more
than just another employee slaving away in a cubicle, or a student going
blindly into the ‘real world’ after college.
introduces you to the person that God wants you to be. You’ll learn how God wants to use that to live the life he created you for – a life where your dreams come true. Let’s face it – you’re more
than just another employee slaving away in a cubicle, or a student going
blindly into the ‘real world’ after college.
4. Impact. You really will change the world. Over and over again, you’ll touch lives with the love of God. Haiti earthquake relief, holding abandoned babies in Swaziland, praying for the sick in Moldova, sharing your faith in the Philippines. This is everyday life
on the World Race.
on the World Race.
5. Dreaming. Don’t let the world crush your dreams. You are capable of so much more. The World Race helps awaken
your wildest dreams and plants a picture in how they can fit into the
Kingdom. Do what you love doing while
seeing God’s Kingdom come to life through your life.
your wildest dreams and plants a picture in how they can fit into the
Kingdom. Do what you love doing while
seeing God’s Kingdom come to life through your life.
If you’re sitting on the edge, it’s as easy as
applying. Go on the World Race and
change your life and others’. There’s
something more out there – God made you for more.
Interested? Talk to someone who has been on the race to learn more.
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I agree with Talia. It was also one of the top 5 decisions I’ve ever made.
Absolutely life-changing. Opened my eyes to see how much God wants us all to get over ourselves and embrace His Spirit and Love.
I learned that God is provider – not because I was raised Christian and I’m supposed to believe that, BUT because I’ve seen God show up and not only drop of thousands to me and my teammates, but provide for the people out in the nations as well.
I know that God is a God of miracles, not because that’s what the Gospels say, or because I’m from the south and you’re supposed to believe that, but because I’ve actually laid my hands on people and seen miracles flow out of me and into other people’s lives.
God is real now, not just an old fictional character from an old, dusty book in my grandma’s house
one of the top 5 decisions i’ve ever made. one of the best years of my life.
The people I have met who are World Race alumni are some of the most interesting Christians to be found. A combination of John the Baptist, Joan of Arc, Gandhi and McGyver is a start to the mix.
um i’d say it’s probably the #2 decision i ever made…after following Christ
Yep, handsdown – one of the top five decisions that I’ve ever made. Changed my life… ENTIRELY.
Yes! If you’re thinking about it, stop and just go. It will turn out to be one of the most phenomenal years of your life…but it’s just the beginning! It’s a diving board of sorts!
An amazing time to rediscover my relationship with Christ as well as realizing that my potential to impact this world for His Kingdom is greater than I ever imagined!
love it. 🙂 so true.