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A Muslim’s advice to Christians

Brother Andrew tells the following story giving us a perspective on how devout Muslim perceives American Christians. In a meeting with Ayatollah Fadlallah, the spiritual leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon, he told me, “Brother Andrew, you Christians have a problem,” he told me. “You Christians are…
By Seth Barnes

Brother Andrew tells the following story giving us a perspective on how devout Muslim perceives American Christians.

brother andrewIn a meeting with Ayatollah Fadlallah, the spiritual leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon, he told me, “Brother Andrew, you Christians have a problem,” he told me. “You Christians are not following the life of Jesus Christ anymore.”

That was an interesting observation from a fundamentalist leader. It really hit me hard, so I asked him, “What do you think we should do about that?” He said, “You must go back to the Book.” (p. 196
Light Force)

Suddenly I realized that I didn’t have to agree with Muslims to identify with their deep, heartfelt cries to God. Something melted in me at that moment. I realized that I genuinely enjoyed being with these men. I had met them in their dire need and now I sat with them, a small Bible in my hand, ready to offer them hope.

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