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A source of hope in a land of starvation

Just back home and jet-lagged from Swaziland. I left my friend Tom Davis and the team behind to continue the work. Here is another video update from Tom. He takes a closer look at a “Care Point” – the place where orphans are fed in rural areas. In Swaziland, the orphan care point’s main function …
By Seth Barnes

Just back home and jet-lagged from Swaziland. I left my friend Tom Davis and the team behind to continue the work. Here is another video update from Tom. He takes a closer look at a “Care Point” – the place where orphans are fed in rural areas. In Swaziland, the orphan care point’s main function is to feed the children a simple corn maize meal. The food is prepared by the older women in the community–known as “go-gos”–and right now they are providing 2-3 meals per week.




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