A temporary human experience

We are not human beings having a temporary spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. We need to wake up to reality. We need to switch perspectives, embrace another paradigm.
Bill Johnson said, “Our hearts know there is much more to life than we perceive with our senses; we are spiritually agitated by our lack of connection with the realm of the supernatural.”
Life should be much more supernatural. The normal Christian life should be filled with miracles and a spiritual sense of connection with the abundant life Jesus promised.
The normal Christian life means miracles, spiritual intervention, and revelation. It means peace, joy, love, a sense of well-being and purpose – all traits that elude so many Christians.
Written into the DNA of every believer is an appetite for the impossible that cannot be ignored or wished away.
My friend Caspar McCloud had this experience of waking up six years ago. Ironically, he had to do so by dying and being resuscitated.
Since then, he has prayed for the sick many times and seen healing. Caspar not only was revived, he woke up to the reality of the Kingdom of God and his identity in it.
And that is how I define discipleship: Waking up a person to their identity and role in the Kingdom of God. I’ve been in the process of waking up for about 18 years now and feel like I’m starting to get it. It’s a process that takes a while. It happened for me as it happens for many – a crisis in my life jolted me to declare personal bankruptcy, and I made myself available for God’s radical intervention.
More of us need to declare bankruptcy like that so that we may begin to see the Kingdom.
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“We are not human beings having a temporary spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.” WOW! EXCELLENT! Seth, that is SO GOOD I’m going to quote it for the rest of my life!
Thanks Seth for listening to God’s calling and spurring so many people on towards Christ. He really is the only thing that matters.
God Bless you and yours!
This is a wonderful Teaching you are
accomplishing in Christian lives!
I am appreciative and thankful!
Most Sincerely yours,
Is there a CD, DVD, or even a sermon that explains to me more clearly what is meant by what you said in regards to this particular aspect of Kingdom Reality? How do I also discern whether the teaching is true especially when it is not my intention just to parrot but to make an intelligent conclusion based on a real foundation and not just on someone’s ideas? Have you ever thought that I don’t need just the word of a human but revelation from God and how can I discern the difference so I all-importantly idolize a human being instead of the Lord Jesus Christ? How in a roundabout way shall I grasp the practicalities essential for living actual kingdom reality when I am completely new to it and just don’t need far more theory and ideas but something that works? In other words how does the truth of the Gospel become real and alive to me where it is not just another body of knowledge I learn but is something that is really life-transforming in every way especially when this new ground of living in kingdom reality is so radical to the normal(read “conventional”) views of mainstream Christianity? Suffice to say as a child I had a Australian aboriginal worldview and I was attending a non-denominational charismatic church that taught kingdom reality as also the reality of the supernatural but how do you get accepted when it is still in a “White” culture where the Western Worldview deciphers everything they learn about Christianity even when the New Testament wasn’t written that way especially when the Lord is so pleased I can think exactly like Him and never be put to shame for having a Non-Western worldview of Christianity? Suffice to say this is what I want as my focus but how can I make the breakthrough and be so convinced that the supernatural is so real as kingdom reality is so reality that it becomes–and stays–a personal conviction and not merely an opinion along side many other opinions? Further how can I be exactly like the apostle Paul and have real zeal for the Gospel of Christ when all my zeal has gone because I have sharply disagreed that Christ loves me having a Non-Western perspective of Christianity in the “White”(Western) culture and they just think their opinion is so sacrosanct and the will of God for my life is absolutely nothing even when it was the Lord who re-told using the Holy Spirit what I did at 15 and wanted a deeper relationship with Him? WHY IS THE WILL OF GOD COMPLETELY IGNORED FOR MY LIFE WHEN THEY THINK I AM SPEAKING LIES ABOUT MYSELF WHEN I REALLY KNOW EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO ME IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE AND IT IS NOT EVER OPINION BUT TRUTH ALONE? Lastly how can I find a non-denominational charismatic church that values this unconventional Western person and also gets me to have selfless love preaching to the lost and ensuring my family(biological and never in accordance with my legal name change) saved? I REALLY WANT TO FIND A NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHARISMATIC CHURCH WHICH CONTINUALLY EMPHASIZES KINGDOM REALITY AND THE SUPERNATURAL AS I STRONGLY DESIRE A CHRISTIAN FAITH THAT IS NOT JUST CONCERNED WITH 3-D REALITY BUT LIVING IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD WHERE I CAN GET GENUINELY CONVERTED! It must be a place in Australia for both aborigines and “Whites” as all are one in Christ Jesus! Please let me know whether there is a church exactly like it in Australia as I would really like to find one and soon! God bless you all!!!