Activate Your Faith Tomorrow (Aug. 8)

What a hard season of sickness and division we are going through!
The nation was going through a similar season in 1967. A prophet rose up in the land calling people to repentance. Martin Luther King’s assassination was a tipping point. What will be the tipping point this time?
Six years ago, Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri. Protests and riots broke out. September 2014, over 60 Christian ministries in the St.Louis area joined together to engage in prayer, worship, and evangelism amidst the civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. It became known as the “Ferguson Response.”
Jonathan Tremain Johnson, is a minister of the Gospel who saw the need to unite Christ-followers on the issue of racial reconciliation, started a nonprofit, Civil Righteousness, as a way of getting Christians involved.
MLK started a movement that needs fulfillment. His dream still waits to be realized. On August 8, 1968 in Chicago, the first street was named after Martin Luther King Jr. Tomorrow, on the anniversary, Civil Righteousness is calling us to go to an MLK Blvd in our hometowns and cities and pray for two hours.
They are calling it Pray On MLK. For two hours we will pray for God to touch our land. Pray on MLK is an example of holy activism. After a first hour of silent prayer, participants will transition into a time of worship.
Why do this? As Thomas’ organization says:
“We believe that the Church has the solution to the race tension in the U.S. and across the globe. To put feet to our faith we are forming multi-cultural human prayer chains across the world. As people of faith take their place on the walls of history we hear the chains of injustice breaking.
It’s time to turn our tears into triumph, our weeping into worship, and leap forward into a new era of righteousness in united pursuit of God’s dream for all people.”
Please go to the Pray On MLK website and find an MLK street near you and call out to God that he would heal our land. As 2 Chron. 7:14 says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
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Now we’re talking! Character not color! We were at an IHOP conference breakout session on race following the Michael Brown shooting. These are some of the people who lead it. It was poignant, powerful and healing. Only
Solid. Help us Jesus.
God help us – we need healing.
Wow this is going to be powerful!
Wish I’d heard of it sooner. Wouldn’t have committed to another event tomorrow, hopefully they hold another