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Interesting concept here and though I am sure it is birthed out of good intention, I, like everyone else hope that of all people, that Christians would not Identify me solely from my actions. Because then one is transformed from being known as a “child of God” equal in the eyes of all to a “murderer”, “adulterer”, etc. These terms dehumanize the person behind the action. Christ intentionally recognized and sought out the humanity in all of us, especially those living on the margins of society.
Next, when appraising the actions associated with “The Middle East Conflict” we must view it through the lens of pain, namely the majority of wrongful actions can and should be understood as responses to personal human suffering.
Lastly, instead of praying for individual persons (as if the problems we face globally can be reduced to actions of Bin Laden…) I think more would be achieved if we asked God, “How is my own sinfulness and that of the associations of which I am apart of (communities, churches, national governments, etc.) contributing to the suffering around the world. From this vantage point of humility one will always have a clearer understanding of what is actually taking place.
Seth, That’s a tough one!!!
Here I am Lord, send me…to love those we consider enemies. I learned the love of Jesus working in Children’s Protective Services for 20 years. Looking eye to eye with child molesters, murders, women who neglect their children, and other monstrosities -and the Lord said to me “love them.” Even when they were not repentant, or showed no concern for raping or murdering little children. I can honestly say that it was hard at first, but then the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I was more vile than all of these outside of Christ. I then asked forgiveness and starting loving child terrorist here in the USA. I realize that every terrorist like myself, needs redemption, which only comes through Jesus. Although, I did not commit the horrible acts terrorist do, and child rapist & murders – I though there as vile as they…was washed of all my guilty stains.
Good call. I’m sure some were praying for Saul who turned Apostle Paul, and after that lesson with our teenage daughter, the assignment was to pray for a contemporary equivalent, so she has a picture of Osama Bin Laden to remind her to pray for his salvation.
And Kevin, the terrorists are not yet a “child of God.” That’s why we need to pray. I used to be a sinner, but due to someone’s prayers, I became very aware of my sinfulness. It’s a prerequisite to repentance and being made clean by Him and getting a new heart. With Christ inside, I can now ask how I can contribute to the RELIEF of suffering around the world. Humility says we can do nothing apart form Him, but also that we can do ALL things through Him who strengthens us.
Interesting site. I have to admit that I don’t exactly know what to think about it. I hope it does well.
In response to Kevin, I understand where you are coming from, but I don’t think you understand exactly who these terrorists are. I don’t think we “dehumanize” them by calling them by what they do. If you’re an accountant, I can call you accountant, it’s what you do. These men murder, maim, kidnap, steal and destroy. They’re terrorists. Let’s not sugarcoat it.
Also, are you projecting responsibility on others (i.e. “communities, churches [?!], national governments”) for the actions of these men? I think that’s a pretty big jump.
Kevin, sorry if I sound a little defensive, but I’m currently in Iraq. I don’t mean to offend, just have a discussion on the topic. Although, as Scott said, it’s hard, I will try to pray for these terrorists. But mostly I pray for the families of people (and my brothers-in-arms) they have killed.
That’s awesome Seth! I am forwarding this on to many!!! Brilliant is all I can say. not easy, just brilliant!
Yes, Lord Jesus, come and visit these men in dreams. Give them angelic encounters, and bring them to repentance and salvation. And give us, your Body, humility to pray these prayers earnestly and lovingly.
Has anyone heard of Waleed Shoebat, the former self-confessed PLO terrorist who is now born again? If not, see:
-Kathy, good example, Saul would have been considered a terrorist of his day and God had mercy on him and “showed him how much he must suffer” for His name. Through Paul, Jesus showed his longsuffering as a pattern to those who would believe. (I Tim 1:16).
Loving our enemies is something uniquely Christ like. There is heavenly wisdom in it. By doing this, we demonstrate to the world God’s awesome love, mercy, and longsuffering. “God demonstrates his own love to us that while we were yet sinners (enemies), Christ died for us.” Rom 5:8. God demonstrates every day. Whether people receive it is up to them.
In Matthew 5 we are shown by Jesus that we have to give up our rights and trust in Jesus to be all-sufficient. When we live by His rules we will be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. Jesus prayed for forgiveness for the Roman soldiers while He hung on a cross. Let’s remember, the Romans were a cruel, oppressive occupying force in Israel. They were terrorists in many aspects and Jesus prayed for them as they were crucifying Him. If only we would do that!