An account of angels singing in Germany

Here is her account:
Yesterday, our two teams here in Berlin worshiped together in the “burn room”. We all sat on the big, cozy rug in the middle of the big hall. Jordan started out sharing her heart for worship, and what God had put on her heart for our worship set during the event this upcoming weekend. Alana encouraged us to be still before the Lord, and listen for what we need to hear from Him, not what we want to hear. She began playing on her guitar and singing to Him. We all were standing, sitting, laying before Him communing with our Dad.
A song began to rise up out of me in that shadowed her voice. I was surprised because the melody and words were pouring out of me like they never have before. I sang over and over again. Then I quieted myself and just listened. Soon I began to hear this beautiful voice harmonizing to Alana’s song. It was a woman’s voice, and it was breathtaking harmony. I began looking around the room trying to find who was singing with her. Alana had just written the song, and I didn’t know that anyone knew the words yet. My eyes didn’t give up searching the mouths of the people in the room, but not one was singing, speaking, or praying aloud. I was baffled. I kept hearing it from the same corner of the room, but no one was there. I decided to just lay back and listen to the woman sing with Alana. It was so beautiful. It dawned on me then, it was an angel singing with her. I just laid there smiling, enjoying what I knew was God’s beautiful gift that morning.
Later that night we practiced the songs a few of us wrote. Alana began playing a new song she had written that day. I immediately remembered that morning and began to tell her what I had heard while she was singing. To my surprise, Jamie jumped up screaming, “I heard them too! I heard them too!” She told us how she had heard a man’s voice first, and then the woman joined him later, both accompanying Alana. She said it was the most beautiful harmony she had heard. She, too, stood up right away searching the room for the voices but couldn’t find them, for there was no one in the part of the room she was hearing them from… the same corner.
We both were practically jumping up and down at this point. I am sure God loved watching all of this unfold and our childlike excitement as we delighted in His creation. We turned to Alana and asked if she had heard them too. She told us that she does hear them sing with her when her heart is in a place of worship, and not performance. She just laughed and explained that she didn’t realize other people could hear them too!
The funny part is, when I thought back to the song that I kept singing – that just flowed right out, I remembered that I was singing, “the angels dance around us, and sing over us.”
Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Psalm 148:2
Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word. Psalm 103:20
…And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says, “Let all God’s angels worship him.” Hebrews 1:6
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This is Awesome!!!
crying at work again. Thanks!
That is awesome!
Love it! I’ve heard angels singing in corporate worship a number of times and it is gorgeous.
But the first tme was the most amazing. I was alone in my tent at a Bible conference when I was only 17. It was 3am and I had gone up for prayer the evening before at a meeting for the first time. Said I wanted to get serious with God. The guy who prayed with me started saying “feel the deep deep love of Jesus for you” and I thought he was totally mad. I had no idea what he was talking about, stayed as long as I thought was polite, then ran!
But at 3am that night I was woken up alone in my sleeping bag to a bright light coming from outside. I wondered who on earth it was at this hour and worried they would be disturbing people. And I heard really loud singing in fantastic harmony. You’ll laugh – the voices were singing Wesley’s “And can it be”. The musician in me kicked in when I realised the harmonies I was hearing were too complex to work and yet they did and the range of the voices were both higher and lower than the human ear can hear, yet I could hear them. That’s when I realised it was angels singing.
And at that moment God filled me with His Holy Spirit for the first time and I knew that I knew that I knew that He was real for the first time. And a passion for worship landed in my heart that night that has never left.
I didn’t tell anyone because I thought they would lock me up! Angels in a field at 3am singing Wesley. Yeah right!! But a few hours into the morning, someone looked hard at me and declared I had been filled with the Holy Spirit. I didn’t actually know what that was at the time, I had never heard of it. I just knew that I now knew God was real and what had happened had changed everything. I guess that’s why the angels sang!
Lobet den Herr! Lobpreis Jesus Chritus! Ich Liebe den Herr Jesus! Anbeten Gott Vater! Jesus uber Alles!
Liebt, Bruder Mark Romer 8:28
Praise the Lord, Worship Jesus Christ, I love the Lord Jesus, Adore Father God, Jesus over all! Romans 8:28
I love Germany! Jesus save all of Germany! I will sing with the angels God’s glory and Jesus redemption!
O yeah!
This is a wonderful story. This same thing happened to me yesterday as I played guitar with my worship team. The written statement of my story is so similar to yours that it gives me good bumps. My experience was also confirmed later by the worship leader.
This is something I will never forget and pray happens to me again.
These testimonies of angelic singing are lovely reminders of our heavenly home–how musical Heaven must be! I have heard angelic singing also, when at a Women’s Aglow meeting at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Mass., back in the 1970’s or 1980’s. There were over 300 of us there, mostly women but also a few men. There was a thunderstorm that day….we were just singing free-form in the Holy Ghost when all of a sudden, I heard the sound of a treble choir singing several octaves ABOVE us. It was as if God just lowered speakers into the auditorium and then “turned them on” to let us hear what it sounds like…I’m a musician and have directed choirs, but THAT choir had perfect harmony, it sang in at least 4 or more parts, and the music had a piercing, “laser” quality in its purity of sound and STRENGTH–the strength of singers who do NOT pause to breathe! It was eerie in that you KNEW that humans could not produce this irridescent, flowing sound of vocal music coming from beings NOT of this earth! I believe that my slave ancestors frequently heard this and that’s why lyrics about music “up above my head” are frequent in black gospel songs and spirituals. Angelic singing is probably the basis for many of those double-choir motets of Renaissance composers and those soaring soprano lines…JESUS IS LORD and we children of the Resurrection sing “the song of Moses and the Lamb.” SOLI DEO GLORIA!
These testimonies of angelic singing are lovely reminders of our heavenly home–how musical Heaven must be! I have heard angelic singing also, when at a Women’s Aglow meeting at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Mass., back in the 1970’s or 1980’s. There were over 300 of us there, mostly women but also a few men. There was a thunderstorm that day….we were just singing free-form in the Holy Ghost when all of a sudden, I heard the sound of a treble choir singing several octaves ABOVE us. It was as if God just lowered speakers into the auditorium and then “turned them on” to let us hear what it sounds like…I’m a musician and have directed choirs, but THAT choir had perfect harmony, it sang in at least 4 or more parts, and the music had a piercing, “laser” quality in its purity of sound and STRENGTH–the strength of singers who do NOT pause to breathe! It was eerie in that you KNEW that humans could not produce this irridescent, flowing sound of vocal music coming from beings NOT of this earth! I believe that my slave ancestors frequently heard this and that’s why lyrics about music “up above my head” are frequent in black gospel songs and spirituals. Angelic singing is probably the basis for many of those double-choir motets of Renaissance composers and those soaring soprano lines…JESUS IS LORD and we children of the Resurrection sing “the song of Moses and the Lamb.” SOLI DEO GLORIA!
I read this story at my life befor I was born a baby on this Earth from Thelma Kramar. Did it happen more than once. Things can be magesticle I guess. I would like to feel comfortable all the time. What’s prayer just a different way of talking?
I got so excited reading all the testimonies of angelic singing on this web page because the same happened to me right down here in South Africa.We were attending our usual prayer meeting last night.We arrived early and with my eyes shut and my voice just praying to the Lord.So used to the church filling up with people while we pray…I started hearing someone singing in the crowd.It was a song I did not know with the most beautiful melody.I did not open my eyes and just enjoyed this persons singing while I prayed along with all the other believers.The presence of the Lord suddenly filled the whole church and the words of each person praying ,just started rolling forth.Everyone praying in the Spirit.It was wonderful to be touched by the very presence of God.Everyone just enjoying the healing,uplifting and loving power of Jesus Christ.Then all the prayers calmed down after a while and the prayer meeting was ended.I opened my eyes and saw that nobody els attended the prayer meeting but my husband and I and our pastor.Only us three.Then only did I realise that I have been listening to an angel singing in our mids.Tears started rolling down my cheeks and all I could do was to praise God.He is alive! Forever more alive!