Andrew Shearman – A Gift to Your Spirit

Andrew Shearman believes in a God who is hopelessly in love with his children. He’s a God who’s family man, a Father who wants his kids back.
I met Andrew when I was a young man and he set me free with his view of a loving God. We think that God is angry with us. We’ve gone prodigal and are sorry for our bad living.
I regularly get random emails from people I don’t know who are laboring under the crushing weight of their mistakes. I wrote this post nine years ago about being sorry for sin and 545 people have written comments asking God to forgive them.
God is not angry with us. The Bible tells us, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus.” (Rom. 8:1) If I could give you any gift, it would be to introduce you to the God who Andrew knows. He’s a God who longs for you to live a free life. He wants relationship with you.
Andrew believes that the Bible is inspired by God – a love letter to us. And he communicates the truth it contains better than anyone I know.
We recorded 42 five-minute videos of Andrew sharing what he’s learned through a lifetime of living out his faith. Watch just one and you’ll be hooked – the message will breathe hope into your spirit. You can see them all here.
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Seth – Thanks for sharing. These videos are incredible! I still have notes from a lot of the times You, Andrew, Michael, and others taught at debriefs. I go back to them often. There was so much wisdom that was imparted in such a short period of time, I find myself forgetting and remembering during different seasons of life. Miss you!
Brian – it’s been too long. Yes, and I remember many of my conversations with you. I quickly saw that you were a goer, you really wanted the kingdom.
Life is over in an instant. Thanks for going for it!
The timing of your blog is no coincidence. I’m reading a great book by Brian Zahnd – Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God. When we look around and see so much injustice – we need these reminders. I need these reminders.
Many are familiar, grew up with hearing the likes of the sermon preached by Jonathan Edwards some 250 years ago, called… “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” In this book, Zahnd, like Andrew Shearman – remind us that our God is not “a sadistic juvenile dangling spiders over a fire” but instead … that our God IS Jesus. He is love.
I’m learning so much about this currently and appreciate the timing of your blog.
That’s good to hear, Connie. I was talking to God this morning and felt him nudge me to stop talking and go post this. Andrew always encourages me. Others need to hear his perspective.
Interesting! Coincidental? Just yesterday I finished reading “Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God.” What a “prodigal” God we have! Then a coworker directed me to this website.
I love it!
I love this video. I love this message. It is the same message the Lord said to me while I was laying on the floor, literally overwhelmed by a revelation of how much He loved me. I felt like the Lord told me to stop trying to love Him and to just “receive.” It was more difficult at first than you would think. But this is the central message of the gospel for me. I thought I loved God before, but it was only after I began to realize how much He loved me that I truly began to love Him. It wasn’t even a choice. It was a reaction to His love. As Andrew pointed out in the video, “We loved because He first loved us.” Thank you for sharing this video, Seth. Very encouraging
Andrew Shearman definitely communicates this passionate love better than anyone I know. What better message is there than a King who IS love?! That’s someone I can give my life to! Thank you for showing us what it looks like to give our lives to this King, Seth. Very thankful for you and the way you embody what it means to be your version of Christ here on Earth.
Thanks, Kenneth – a hearty AMEN to what you said about Andrew.