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Apparently the Church is NOT Essential in Our Society

outside of a church building
Tonight, despite the threat of arresting the organizers, the revival at Huntington Beach continues at a beach to be named later. The government tried to shut it down last week and an estimated 1800 met out on the beach anyway. Most of us probably agree that we should do everything we can to st…
By Seth Barnes

Tonight, despite the threat of arresting the organizers, the revival at Huntington Beach continues at a beach to be named later. The government tried to shut it down last week and an estimated 1800 met out on the beach anyway.

Most of us probably agree that we should do everything we can to stop the virus from spreading. And we probably also agree that we should have a conversation about how that is best done. As a church, let’s have the conversation.

One issue I raised in my last post is, “At what point when a given government attempts to shut down a church does it resist?”

The early church grew as the authorities attempted to shut it down. The church in China similarly has grown in the face of persecution.

Another question the American Church needs to ask is, “Given the fact that many churches have been ordered to close their doors, does anybody miss them?” What difference does your church make in your community? Shouldn’t we be an essential service provider?

In our town of Gainesville, GA, churches representing multiple racial background got together to pray. We met in a parking lot. We repented, prayed for healing and prayed for revival. What if God was ready to use us to answer those prayers?

Uche Izuora shared this perspective:

Recently, the Church got a dirty slap in the face from the world. The world was in chaos and confusion and needed to redefine its essential service providers for humanity. Sadly, the Church did not make the list! The Church was excluded, globally, shut down, and made to seem useless. But did we get the message?

What are we missing and what or who is missing us? If this pandemic continues for another one or two years (and it could), when do we defy the government? Then or now? Shouldn’t our “voice” be heard in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit? If we defy the orders and miracles breakout and grace our gatherings, wouldn’t that be good proof?

What would need to change for you and your church to become essential in your community?

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