Are there tools to help me? 5 of them
Prayer is just you communicating with God. You shouldn’t need anything to help you, but if you’re stuck in neutral, the fact is you do – a little help would be nice. Here are some tools that can help. If you’ve got ideas, add them.
1. Begin with your Bible. Try reading parts of Scripture out loud as though it were your own prayer. Find some of the prayers in Scripture (any of the Psalms for starters) and pray them as your own.
2. A journal can be a helpful tool. Use it to record the things you’re praying for in a prayer list. Check out my 1/9/06 blog giving a few journaling pointers. Use it to practice listening prayer.
3. A blanket. Maybe I’m alone on this, but it is dang cold in the morning and sometimes I don’t want to get out of bed to pray. Having a blanket handy to ward off the cold helps motivate me.
4. Your knees. The right posture helps. Flat on your back or curled up on the couch doesn’t work for me as well as being on my knees. It’s stood the test of time in Christendom.
5. A brother or sister in the Lord. Make yourself accountable to someone else and see if your time with God doesn’t become more consistent.
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