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Are You Careful, Cautious and Concerned?

not being a victim
Sometimes when I finish an email to someone who I’ve discipled who finds himself in a far corner of the world, I’ll sign it “travel safe, but stay dangerous.” It expresses my heart for their safety and at the same time for their assignment which often requires a measure of boldness. As sons and …
By Seth Barnes

Sometimes when I finish an email to someone who I’ve discipled who finds himself in a far corner of the world, I’ll sign it “travel safe, but stay dangerous.” It expresses my heart for their safety and at the same time for their assignment which often requires a measure of boldness.

As sons and daughters of a Creator who imagined and established the cosmos, we know that we’re safe in his hands. But as his representatives on the planet he made, our job is to carry out the job he commissioned us to do – to set the captives free and bring them hope. And that, of course, puts us in dangerous places. 

But then, if we are ourselves dangerous women and men, we can safely travel to those dangerous places and move about without fear.

I have a relative who says goodbye to someone by saying, “Be careful, cautious and concerned.” It’s all I can do to not interrupt by saying, “travel safe, but stay dangerous!” 

There is a clash of values. Would we rather be careful and cautious or bold and dangerous to those who oppose God? Would we rather be concerned about what might hurt us, or to cause the enemy of our souls to be concerned?

We live in a society that has drained risk in all forms out of life. Much of this is good. Air travel is safer now. People are living longer. In the not too distant future, cars will drive themselves and the risk of accidents will be greatly diminished.

At the same time, those of us who call ourselves Christians need to be honest about the cost of our faith. We have an enemy and he has a bullseye on our backs. He wants to “kill, steal and destroy.”

When you take something away from an enemy who wants to see you dead, he is likely to hit back. Are we prepared to live with the consequences? We need to be dangerous. Are you dangerous? Do you cause the enemy to work extra hard?

Yes, by all means, travel safe and look twice before you cross the street. But at the same time, I hope you are a threat to the enemy. I hope that he knows your name and considers you dangerous.

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