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Barnes Christmas 2020 Update + Good News!

Barnes Christmas 2020 Update + Good News!
Hi. It’s the Christmas season. And what a weird season it is in 2020! All the holiday stuff that many of us do has been edited and curtailed. Many of us typically celebrate Christmas with our families and now we’re not even doing that. Christmas is going to be quiet around the Barnes house…
By Seth Barnes

Barnes Christmas 2020 Update + Good News!

Hi. It’s the Christmas season. And what a weird season it is in 2020! All the holiday stuff that many of us do has been edited and curtailed. Many of us typically celebrate Christmas with our families and now we’re not even doing that.

Christmas is going to be quiet around the Barnes house as our married children will be spending it in Ireland, California, Florida, but not here. And who can blame them? Their in-laws live in beautiful places in spitting distance of gorgeous ocean views. And we alternate Christmases with them.

What do we have? Well, in Georgia we have special senate elections. Every day in the mailbox are more flyers telling us to vote. Shouting at us! Telling us how dire this election is! Making us crazy.

Better to leave the state if you can. Better to leave the state of mind that we’re all in if you can.

So, I’ve done that. I have changed my mentality about the virus from one of extreme caution to “all systems go in 2021.” In January I’ll be flying to Nigeria (for a project I’ll tell you more about later) and the Dominican Republic. And if this makes you nervous on my behalf, I get it.

But I encourage you to join me. It’s time. Things are looking up and we need to look squarely at a reality that is quickly changing. Worried about when you’ll get the vaccine? I no longer am. The data is coming back on the efficacy of Ivermectin as a prophylaxis and a virus-killer. Check it out here and here. One study shows it is 96% effective at keeping you from getting sick.

Yes, I’m an early adopter and most people are going to proceed more cautiously than me. I see something new that might help the world, do some quick study, and then begin to share it. So check it out for yourself – it’s good news backed by trustworthy doctors, not quacks.

And that brings me back to Christmastime. I’d like to correlate our current reality to the reality of the holiday we’re celebrating. There was plenty of bad news in Palestine. The year 0 A.D. was not a happy time for its citizens. You think we’ve got problems with our government? The Romans were making life miserable in Palestine. Killing people indiscriminately.

And then with Jesus’ birth, good news arrived.

So this Christmas, we’ve got some really great news to share. Despite the worries and bad news that the press daily trumpets, our news is that there is a God in heaven who loves his children and is desperate to get them back. A God who has a plan and wants us to join him in its implementation.

Our news is that there has never been a better time to be alive. We have greater opportunity and more resources than have ever existed in history! These are not platitudes – I really believe this stuff and if you have trusted Jesus, I want to encourage you to hit the re-set button from doubt to faith.

It’s a time to see with the eyes of faith, to lean into the reality we’ve been given and the reality that we are called to introduce to the planet. Yes, 2020 has been hard, but it has set us up for what’s coming. Let’s prepare for what may be the best year of your life in 2021!

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