Battling demons in Kenya

God’s power manifested in terms of casting out sickness and disease, but
we hadn’t seen deliverance necessarily. That all changed on Tuesday.
We did door-to-door evangelism all day on Tuesday and got
back to our house to eat dinner one night. I received a phone call from a
friend on my squad saying that they needed help. They were at a school
giving a Bible study and in the middle of it, some girls started
manifesting demons. The team had been there for 3 hours or so trying to
cast the demons out. So we pack ourselves up and our contact takes us
over to the school. If anything was
going through my mind, it was fear, prayer, and the Ghost Busters theme song.
not have prepared myself for what I saw. Samara’s whole team (read more here) was
on the ground holding down convulsing people. One demon started
screaming at us and asking why we had come there. I had never
experienced anything like that. I’m not going to go into incredible
description, because that’s not what this blog is about, but it’s pretty
much what the Bible explains. Convulsing, screaming, violent, sometimes
acting as if they are dead, blaspheming. It was disgusting.
out that there was a lot of witchcraft going on at the school and that
several people had been involved in the occult. We just started
worshiping. This weakens the demons and gets them to start talking. They
start giving up secrets and information, which makes them easier to
cast out. At one point, one demon said, “I am out of her!!” which of
course didn’t make sense because it was still talking through her and we
just had to laugh at it. At one point, we were saying the name Jesus
and the demon said, “Stop saying that name, it is making me
uncomfortable!!” We of course asked what name it was talking about and
it kept avoiding the name Jesus because it made the demon feel very
uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, in fact, that in the name of Jesus, the
demon was cast out. Anyway, through prayer, worship, quoting the Bible,
and the Holy Spirit, the demons were cast out and the girls were free.
Spiritual warfare is real. Demons are real. They can possess
people and can torment them. You can doubt Him all you want, but I know what I
saw and what I heard and that was that the name of Jesus Christ has
more authority and more power.
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These are common experience/occurence and its amazing to see God deliver His people in the most unusual ways. Wooo
It is true that demon have started to attack the young people
in Kenya,But I am read and fully willing to fight and destroy them through the power of God.I only ask for people to pray for me to know how to fight in the spirit.
Mighty Warriors! This is so exciting!!! Casting demons out is really fun. (:
Jesus is able and deliver my son