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That is amazing stuff. It makes me wonder where the mom got her spunk from…if it’s man-based or God-based.
Goddard, yes, if God called one of us to go and do that and if the boy wanted to be healed. But I wonder if the boy would want to be healed. His specialness seems to empower him. I wonder what other challenges he will go on to triumph over because he learned to have that courage so early on in life. Would he have had such a full life if he had his sight?
My friend LJ only has one leg due to medical complications, and we’ve talked a lot about it. Sure, if someone could give her back her leg, she would take it. But that’s not what she’s looking for. She knows that her disability has made her the fighter and tough cookie that she is. She’s not mad at God, she’s thankful that He made her to do special things that I can’t do. She steps up to the plate when her fellow teens are still laying on the couch because her missing leg has taught her so much more than her whole leg ever could. God loves in ways that we can’t always comprehend, but he loves us even so.
Why not go use your “impressive gifts” and go heal this young boy. Wouldnt that be the loving thing to do?