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Connection and community are vital. Blessings to you all on your journey. I hope to make this trek with a group of family first at some point. Shalom.
Hey Seth! I have had the privilege of really getting to know you starting with a shared work path at the Institute For International Development (IIDI) and a trail of joys and tears ever since. That followed us crossing paths at Wheaton College–me two years ahead of you. We have experienced a great deal together which I treasure immensely. You, Karen and your family are part if the DNA for my own unfolding narrative. There isn’t a pit too deep nor vista too high to carry loving honor, respect and kinship as elements to a life friendship. I’ll speak affirming words at your memorial service or you at mine. Or maybe there will be a cataclysmic exit the whole world will see. Who knows. What I am unshakably certain of in this moment and now for 30+ years is this– You are loved amigo–always.
I give thanks for friends like you, Butch. Thank you for the years of friendship.