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Choosing between a ‘career’ & missions

not being a victim
A blog reader wrote with a question. Though he’s a student, he has an offer to work with “a great company that would provide a comfortable, secure life.” He’s wrestling with that on the one hand and missions as an option on the other.  He says, “I cannot say that I’ve felt a specific cal…
By Seth Barnes
A blog reader wrote with a question. Though he’s a student, he has an offer to work with “a great company that would provide a comfortable, secure life.” He’s wrestling with that on the one hand and missions as an option on the other. 
He says, “I cannot say that I’ve felt a specific call to full-time missions. I can think of many ways to spread the Gospel through this job, but I want to make sure that’s where the Lord is calling me. I can see how the Lord may very well be calling me to this company, but the feeling I have while on mission abroad is incredible and a part of me wants more. Can you provide any clarity or wisdom?”
My response:
Yes, the young man is wise to observe that God can use us in the workplace. Most of us will end up there and God wants us to view our workplace and our career there as a mission field. There’s a false dichotomy between a call to missions and the default of having a career.
I responded to him quickly, posing some questions and making an observation.
Ask yourself this: What do you want your life to be about?

We’re all called. What we’re called to do is to go into all the world and make disciples.
So where do you come alive? And what is God

What breaks your heart? Whatever it is, commit to make a difference and to be the change you want to see. 

Your 20’s are meant to be a series of experiments. I would make my experiments count. And I wouldn’t feel the pressure to make money or get a career.

It’s a tough issue. What advice do you have?

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