The natural state of things is to move toward chaos. That’s entropy. Periodically in our house, my grip on the order of things begins to slip. Take this morning for example. One of our children flat-out lied to me. I said, “Did you clean your room, everything picked up off the floor?”
I could have sat there, but I went to look at the room. It was a disaster. Chaos had come and challenged me to a fistfight.
“You lied to me,” I declared, and the fight was on.
Two other children in this home are also doing battle with chaos. Work that was promised to have been done is unfinished. Relationships are misfiring because of poor communication.
It’s a call to arms. Monday morning you just want to nurse a little coffee and do something quiet. But when chaos comes slithering your way and begins to slime you and those you love, it’s time for the lion in you to rise up and roar.*
Genesis tells us that in the beginning, God hovered over the chaos. It felt his weight. He is the order-bringer and, amazingly, we are made in his image. We must hover over the chaos in our lives and let it feel our weight. We are order-bringers. There is a lion inside you waiting to be uncaged. You may feel weak and overwhelmed by it all. Stop playing defense! Go on the offense. Bring truth where lies have set up shop in your life and the lives of those you love. Bring consequences for wrong behavior. Confront chaos!
*A caveat: This is not a license for control-freaks to run amok either. Everything in love.
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Man, did this hit home this morning.
It has been Monday all day today. From the time we got up, chaos ruled. Chaos in ministry. Chaos with health (temporary). Chaos with direction. So we rebuke the devour and stand with the LION of JUDAH!
Chaos is what I strive on until it gets too much and that is when the other side starts to win. Most of us forget to rebuke the hurting anger and use the constructive Love that is from God, it is from my inmost parts that I do not want the Lord. But I do not get to choose as He is in charge. Thanks for the reminder
I know this is an old post Seth but these words are still powerful and just what I need to hear! Thanks!
Thanks, Sue. It’s interesting because I was thinking about this very topic early this morning but in a different context. I was reflecting on the statement, “Chaotic action is better than organized inaction”. Jesus went about “doing” good. I think we are called to a bias for action. I used to tell my employees that. Make a mistake trying to do something as opposed to fretting about what to do. The parable of the sower seems to suggest that as well.