Conquering your fears

Doubt is not the opposite of faith, fear is. Or perhaps fear is just misplaced faith – faith in the wrong thing.
when we don’t face fear–we reduce our lives to accommodate it …we lose the emotion of our fear and become numb to it
Don’t stop in the valley of the shadow of death, fear and mise…
By Seth Barnes
Doubt is not the opposite of faith, fear is. Or perhaps fear is just misplaced faith – faith in the wrong thing.
when we don’t face fear–we reduce our lives to accommodate it …we lose the emotion of our fear and become numb to it
Don’t stop in the valley of the shadow of death, fear and misery, keep walking through in greener pastures by still waters.
How many times do you fail to live in the present because you’re so busy building “what if” scenarios about the future? Some people are ruled by fear. It keeps them from experiencing joy.
I’d written a blog on facing your fears before. I’m not afraid of much, but I’ve got a pretty bad case of acrophobia. Put me up on a cliff’s edge and my knees will go weak. It can be embarrassing when everyone else is acting macho at the Grand Canyon and I’m whining about heights, but my fear does have two benefits. It keeps me from doing stupid things that might kill me and it helps me identify with people who feel trapped by their fears.
The enemy of your soul really doesn’t have any weapons – all he has is pretense. So he builds an argument around the question, “what if?” What if I’m rejected again? What if I can’t pay my rent? What if no one likes me? The irony is that God often poses that same question to us from a positive perspective. He wants us to partner with him in changing the world and wants us to visualize that better world. Asking “what if” can be a wonderful faith-building exercise, or it can be a debilitating fear-inducing habit.
So how do we fight fear? The Bible tells us, “Perfect love drives out fear;”* how does that work?
Well, it makes sense theologically if you recognize that God is love and that he came to destroy the works of the enemy. Draw near to God and you can’t help but see the future with him in it. We need to practice our faith by visualizing God in the middle of whatever impossible or threatening circumstance we may be confronting. His love for you and his desire for your well-being will destroy the fear-based works of your enemy if you’ll trust him.
But many people have so practiced the habit of fear that it has become a part of their character. They are actually controlled by a spirit of fear who has direct access to their minds. And every time God gives them an opportunity to trust, that despicable spirit whispers, “what if he fails you?” It’s what he’s been doing ever since Eden.
If that describes you, then the good news is that Jesus came to set you free. This is not just preacher’s rhetoric; it is a reality I’ve observed over and over again. No other religion can claim that, though many Christians have grown numb to the raw delegated power in their hands.
If you let him, Jesus will do what he started doing back in Galilee – evicting evil squatters by confronting them head-on. This could be the week where you break free and start living as God intended when he first thought you up. Fear is a tormenting spirit, but it has to be given permission to torment you. And you can take that permission away.
Now, you may not feel strong enough to ask him to help you do that on your own, and that’s OK. There are probably people within driving distance who will use the authority Jesus delegated to them to help you get free of fear. I’d be happy to help find someone if you write me.
Isn’t it time to start looking down life’s road and starting to see God painting the picture – a picture where you can clearly see him?
*1 John 4:18
Comments (17)
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I’m confused….so does this mean you are OR aren’t going sky-diving on the 25th?
Another great blog. Thank you.
I love that sentence…THIS could be the week where you break free!
Thank you, Seth. You are such a blessing to me.
These words were like healing ointment on an ever-present wound. Timidity has always been a part of my life and I know very well how fear IS a tormenting spirit. For too long it’s had permission to squat in my life and cause me to avoid, hide, procrastinate, and give in. Permission is now denied in the name of Jesus. Let me declcare that again: PERMISSION IS NOW DENIED IN THE NAME OF JESUS! That’s not who I am, it’s not God’s intent for me. Thank you again. This was just what I needed today. God has done so much through my life already, I can’t imagine what will happen if I’m not riding the emergency brake of fear through the remainder of my life.
Okay Seth, how ironic is this? I was AFRAID to post a comment!
Thanks for the encouraging words. I’m glad you’re within driving distance.
We see our mighty invisble God by faith!
And an awesome sight, He is!!!
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
que grandes pensamientos hermano. siempre me gusta leer sus blogs,los disfruto mucho y siempre aprendo algo diferente. God keep blessing you abundantly.
Here is a story Im not sure if I have shared with you before Seth, when God decides to “hide in the picture”.
For years God would show me the way ahead. Like Jesus focused on the joy set before Him, he endured the cross, God would show me where I was heading and I didnt really care if the journey there was painful because my eyes were beyond the pain.I could see the benifits, I could see the joy beyond it.
Then one day God decided to “hide”. He stopped showing me so far ahead. I went to church one day and just burst into tears. A guy sitting next to me whose wife was part of the childrens team asked what was wrong so I explained it to him like this:
” I am pacing up and down the beach and infront of me is this beautiful big ship and God is saying “get on it”. But I am so panic stricken because I dont know where the boat is going. I keep asking God to tell where we are heading me but He wont”
This guy just looked at me and said “get on the boat!”
I realised after all these years, after all I had experienced, when it really came down to it I just didnt trust God enough. ” Perfect love DOES cast out fear”.
I got to a deeper understanding of Gods love for me. I now get on the boat without a thought about where it is going. It could be heading out to the rough seas never to be seen again or it could be having a beautiful cruise around the coast line. I dont know, but I dont care now either. All I know is that whether God can be seen or decides to hide in the road ahead we need to trust Him 100%. KNOWING that love WILL cast out all fear….that is TRUTH!
Thanks Seth
Hi Marqui
Yes, its me, the same Sue! The song is wonderful, not one I know. Some of the old hymns have some very powerful truths in them.My friend sung “when I suvey the wondrous coss at my wedding. It was very powerful, especially as it was on Easter Saturday!
Speak to you soon
The right message on the right day. Amen.
So how do I go about getting in contact with someone who could pray away the spirit of fear and the spirit of depression?
Thanks Seth. You know I definately identify with this blog. My whole life has been based on “What if”‘s and “What will they think”‘s.
Thank you for connecting me with somebody who can help me confront those demons when I don’t feel strong enough to do it myself. I know I’ve been resistant at times, but I really appreciate your persistance. Thanks for not giving up on me.
You’re welcome, Kim. You are worth it!
Now let me tell you how this thing works – when we get freedom, we have to give it away. I’ve got someone who is traveling to the middle east in a couple of days who needs prayer for fear. Would you be willing to call her and pray for her?
Great words here Seth! It really does come down to the simple question: “Do I believe God is who He says He is?”
Thanks for reminding me to focus on that TRUTH this morning!
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home!
Under the shadow of Thy throne
Still may we dwell secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
To endless years the same.
A thousand ages in Thy sight,
Are like an evening gone;
Short as the watch that ends the night,
Before the rising sun.
Time, like an ever rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream
Dies at the op’ning day.
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guide while life shall last,
And our eternal home.
After reading your post…I thought of this!
Hi Sue,
You post was very timely for me. I hope you like that song I posted as well. It was written a long time ago and one of my favorite hymns. Isaac Watts wrote that song and I am so glad the Lord put that in his heart to do so.
I will write you soon Sue!
If you are a different Sue than the Sue I think you are…pardon me…there is more than one Sue in the world. I just assumed..hehehe 🙂
Hello Seth,
After reading your article, God gave me instantaneous peace about all things that I fear. Your words hit home for me, especially the part where you said, “The enemy of your soul really doesn’t have any weapons – all he has is pretense. So he builds an argument around the question, “what if?” What if I’m rejected again? What if I can’t pay my rent? What if no one likes me?”
All of my life, I’ve struggled with math. I try my best and it seems to do little to no good at all. It actually paralyzes me. I’m taking a math class this semester and it’s really making me start to ask those what if questions. What if I don’t pass? What if I can never get out of this math class. What if I get an “F”? I’m been really worried lately and I think God used you and your article to give me peace. I truly thank you!
God Bless