Deafness Healed at Training Camp (#9)
We’re counting down the top 10 stories of the last 18 years of the World Race. Here is one that occurred during training camp May, 2012 when racer Jacob McLafferty was healed of deafness. Original post here.
Deafness Healed at Training Camp May 2012
We have been experiencing miracles lately …
By sethbarnes
We’re counting down the top 10 stories of the last 18 years of the World Race. Here is one that occurred during training camp May, 2012 when racer Jacob McLafferty was healed of deafness. Original post here.
Deafness Healed at Training Camp May 2012
We have been experiencing miracles lately through the World Race and it’s blowing people away.
As a child, Jacob McLafferty had lost much of his hearing. Last night at training camp, a large group of racers gathered around him and prayed for his hearing to be restored. McLafferty’s been wearing hearing aids for most of his life (see the accompanying pictures).
After nearly an hour of prayer, he took the hearing aids out and he could hear! Amazed and overwhelmed, he shouted out, “I AM HEALED!!”
At that point, the place was up for grabs – people shouting and dancing all over the place. I guess that’s what you do when sound replaces silence. That’s what happens when you discover that God is not distant, but is powerfully involved in the affairs of men.
After he got back home, his skeptical father, Mike McLafferty, wrote this:
“We had dinner yesterday at Olive Garden and sitting across from us he was able to hear every word. We have not been able to do that in a very long time. I was very skeptical when I first heard the news as most people would be. Since he has been back, his hearing aids have been in his pocket.”
I wish I could take the skeptics who say “God no longer heals” to see what he’s doing.
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God is alive! Our Lord is a healer and this is another amazing miracle from our Savior! My Aunt Sara O’Meara has the gift of healing and she is the first to say it is not her but, our Lord using her for healing miracles. If you have a minute go to and click the founders tab. You can read about her 65 year Child abuse foundation. Also TLC is the The Little Chapel in Paradise Valley AZ. They also have a website and I have been to Chapel and seen amazing healings, right in front of my eyes. Our God is an awesome God! Amen.
Mark 7:35
“At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.”
So exciting, glad to know God is still on the throne and still in the healing business.