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Wowthat’s a sobering video, Seth. Facebooking and Email are the way to disciple, huh? 😉 at least a part of the equation, for sure. I appreciate your focus on hearing and watching what this generation is experiencing (and responding as God prompts).
That’s exactly why I left seminary.
As an educator both in the secular and Christian school system I can attest to the different learning styles of students. It has been a difficult switch in some ways, but reality is that the classroom is no longer teacher, but – student centered. I have often thought of teaching a class that all students had laptops, cell phones and we taught EACH OTHER through those mediums. Yes, I have learned that I am being taught or caught everyday by students. I worked at one time in an Alternative Education School for “unruly” students who ranged from honor roll/national honor society to delinquents. Many, about 95% of the students wanted to be in my classroom instead of their own regular classes. The regular classroom teachers thought that I was doing something wrong, some even accused me a providing drugs for the students. The only thing I did wrong was provide an atmosphere of openness that led to the students having an avenue to express their lives and fears – giving me an opportunity to share Christ.
I’ve been noticing lately that I get more out of the guys in my 10th grade sunday school class when I contact them on Facebook. They don’t even answer emails…
I’m thinking…
And I can’t say that I’m surprised…
That,s wonderful and I am much blessed.
How sad.
I invite any of you to come into my class.
I don’t teach that way!
Great video Seth. It should open some eyes, a roadmap to reaching this generation…
Wow, Seth. Wow! That is one of the best truths I’ve seen in a long time! Love it!
You hit it on the head. I am a high school teacher in a Christian setting. Just this past year, I started using FaceBook. I mentioned in the office one day that I had FaceBooked one of my kids. One administrator overheard me and said “better watch out for that FaceBook stuff; you never know what you’re getting in to…”
I told him that FaceBook was a GREAT WAY TO COMMUNICATE with this generation. Most of my fellow teachers that are in my generation (I’m 51) think I’m nuts and flirting with the world!
I now have over 500 “friends” and they are regularly being challenged with feeding the poor, healing the sick, and taking care of widows and orphans.
Our kids communicate this way. Even email is “so yesterday” with them!
So, let’s keep communicating with our kids and take them with us so they can CATCH IT!
Way to go brother. Even us old guys can think outside the box!