Distractions and heroes
Two thoughts for you today:
You were made to be somebody’s hero.
Yet along the way to fulfilling that call on your life, you face distractions.
These two facts remind me of a scene from the Odyssey:
Odysseus is on the boat headed to his destiny when up ahead is a test that may keep …
By Seth Barnes
Two thoughts for you today:
- You were made to be somebody’s hero.
- Yet along the way to fulfilling that call on your life, you face distractions.
These two facts remind me of a scene from the Odyssey:
Odysseus is on the boat headed to his destiny when up ahead is a test that may keep him from it. It’s a group of mermaid-like women called the Sirens. They sing a song so wonderful that passing sailors are drawn to veer off course and into danger.
Wanting to hear the Siren’s song, but not succumb to it, Odysseus has himself lashed to the mast while everyone else plugs their ears.
The Siren’s song represents the good things that distract you from fulfilling your destiny and becoming the hero God wants you to be. As you sail your ship through life, what is the Siren song calling you to a place of distraction? Here are some common ones:
- Somebody else’s agenda for your life
- The temptation of debt
- A victim’s script
- Addiction
- Video games
- Your comfortable lifestyle
- Fear
What keeps you from fulfilling your purpose in life? What distraction do you struggle with?
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Ahh, the lure of a comfortable lifestyle. My wife and I rent a tiny, old house in the middle of one of the wealthiest suburbs in Seattle and the lure of pursuing that lucrative job to be well off is strong. It’s easy to let the giant houses and fancy cars I drive past every day on my way to work cloud my mind and distract me in the midst of pursuing the work and lifestyle we sense God has called us to.
good post pops.
Add to the list, especially for the younger generation….facebook!
I get completely distracted every other day I think: comfort, fear, just plain laziness. *sigh*
Great prompt, Seth.
For me the siren takes many forms. It’s basically anything other than God.
Praise of my peers
The physical world
An idea of God, rather than God
The last one trumps, in my opinion.
For me the Siren’s call was retirement. It was the thought that now “I” can do what we always wanted to do but could not because of responsibilities. “We” needed to save, 401 and all the other senior issues we deal with to include the call for medical insurance, etc..Now we are safe, we made it and then God calls like a Siren only His call is clear. He calls us to be His children, not ours and His call is all consuming. He calls us to leave our families, leave it all and follow Him. Since we have retired, He now has two ministry’s and we have never been busier! We boldly make commitments not knowing how or when will it get paid, but it always does. Retirement is great when we use this time to follow His call!! Frank III