Does Jesus still raise the dead?

Since Mozambique is considered one of the poorest countries in the world, it’s not surprising that Pastor Rago came across a dead person. Death is a much more common occurrence in this country than ours. In fact, I think the average age the people reach there is 45. One half of the children die before they reach five years of age.
So, when Pastor Rago came across dead Rosa, he obediently began to pray. Again, this is not surprising to hear. But where I lose contact, is when Pastor Rago continues to pray because Rosa is remaining dead. You see, if I pray for a dead person who doesn’t have the courtesy to respond, you won’t get much more than ten minutes out of me. I’ll simply decide, “God just must not want to do this today, but at least I tried. ‘A’ for effort.”
But thank God, Pastor Rago did not grow weary in doing good, and he continued to pray. Rosa continued to be dead, and Pastor Rago continued to pray. This scenario persisted not just for one day, not just for two, but for three entire days!
And guess who changed? It was not Rago, but Rosa. The woman resurrected!
Do you understand why I like to hang out with African believers?! Three days the man prayed! I would have been pushing at ten minutes with a corpse under my hands.
I love being around people who are more on fire than me, because if I get close enough, they’re contagious. If you have a hard time believing this miracle in a distant land, that doesn’t bother me. For I know beyond doubt, if you ever met Pastor Rago, you would not question. In fact, you wouldn’t even need to meet Rosa, or the entire village of people who all became Christians. (Of course, you could if you so desired, for they are all very much alive and well.)
You, like me, would probably have your breath taken away when you heard Pastor Rago pray. You see, Mozambican pastors know how to pray like no others. But Pastor Rago goes beyond the extraordinary. You can’t help but be lifted to another realm when you hear this man pray. And you can’t help but believe that this man has encountered God in a way you and I are now hungering for. We too can know Him in His resurrection power, as long as we are willing to share in His sufferings.
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Has your hubbie raised??
Has your hubbie raised??
Has your love come back?
one of out problems is that we’re so scientific – we know that scientifically when you’re dead, you’re dead
because we all worship at the altar of science, we discount miracles.
it’s something I’ve had to unlearn – and start believing that nothing is impossible for God.
and that we truly will do greater things than His son
Thanks for sharing stories that challenge. I read the title, started reading the story and thought “of course he still raises the dead, I already believe that.” Then I come to where it said he prayed for 3 days.
3days? If I had prayed at all, it certainly wouldn’t have been 3 days. This has once again reminded me of how big our God is. Just when you think you can grasp Him, He becomes bigger and our faith is asked to grow.
I would’ve quit after 10 minutes, too. I guess I assume miracles should be instantaneous instead of requiring perseverance and a little determination. Good to know otherwise!
man i am weeping. i desire to know Jesus like that. I hunger after him. I mean, i do know him like that. i have seen it, but i desire to know him like that daily! JESUS INCREASE MY APPETITE FOR YOU! PLEEEEEEEASE!
ouch…I can identify with Seth’s 10 minutes. For Pastor Rago, that is faith I find hard to identify with, as he stood for three days in the gap, refusing to give up until God did what He promised He would do for His people.
Oh me of little faith.
I do believe that Jesus still raises people form the dead and i am believing that my mum will be raised this easter
I do believe that Jesus still raises people form the dead and i am believing that my mum will be raised this easter
Kristen (#4 comment above) prayed for a lady and that woman came back to life. I pray that your mum does too. But consider that if she’s already in heaven, she may prefer staying there. It may actually be her choice. Sometimes God communicates about the dead (see Luke 16:19-31) – you may want to ask God what your mum wants.
Fasting and praying Miriam for your mom and my daughter- not giving up! God raises from the dead and I;m expecting some Easter miracles!! I was told maybe my daughter doesn;t want to come back but I have asked God to talk to her, she is in the perfect place and we are left here- so she will be the one to respond without selfishness and I;m here in a non-perfect world and I;m still selfish- I want her back and I am believing for this still!!
I believe in the GOD that quickens the dead even in my generation.. The proof that Jesus is alive today is that he is still going about performing miracles just like he did over 2000years ago.
my husband died on 22nd September 2012, he suffered massive right basal ganglia hemorrhage with uncontrollable hypertension. I loved him so much i still love him, and am praying and begging Jesus to please raise my husband, i want my husband back, and for this Jesus i will worship u for the rest of my life with no complains. please my brother’s & sisters pray for God to return me back my husband. what is impossible with man is possible with God. he created us he can do anything, please Lord Jesus give me my husband back please
My boyfriend died 5 december 2012 I do believe that God is gonna raise him from the iam praying to God to answer my request by bringing him back. I love my boyfriend with all of my heart. I’m waiting for him to come home to me. I’m just waiting for the knock on a door. I know that he loves me he does want to come back to me. I do believe that God will hear my prayers there’s nothing impossible to hiM. And I do believe that he will. Answer my request. God I trust in you. Please pray with me guys. Its been a month since his gone I would love to be with him again. Some of my friends the think am mad. But I know I’m not I just want my man next to me
Dear lord I trust in you my lord I know that you can hear my prayers. I’m praying to you sweet jesus to please bring back Bongani to life its been a month since his gone now I miss him so much I want him to come back to me this man is my boyfriend whom I love very very much please God just give him a second chance in life to live again I’m begging you my lord. Please lord have mercy. Please guy I need your prayers. I will let you know when his back. I knw lord you won’t let me down I know you still do meracles even to day. Please lord raise him from the dead pretty please. In the name of the holly spirit Amen
Hi. Without going into too much detail, since i lost my youngest brother to the evil world of prescribed medication, i’ve wondered, does the Lord still raise the dead. I know it’s almost insane, but after seeing this site, i will start praying for my brother to be raised. It’s been 5 months and toxology reports showed his entire body was in very good health, but his brain just switched off after yrs of taking prescribed meds from several different doctors. For some strange reason, ever since my brother died, i’ve said Lord, it wasn’t his time. He was so soft, he wanted to give his car away to a poor person and it was tragic when they found him in his car. The main qestion i have is, ” if some have been raised from the dead in modern times like we have heard or been told, How would we explain it to the world or media. I know that wouldn’t matter to God, but with police and coroners already knowing that there has been a death, how would one explain to people we know that all of a sudden, hey people, my brother is back. Our entire family have believed most of our lives and my brother loved the Lord and was often heard talking to the Lord in his room in the last weeks of his earthly life. We warned him for yrs about prescribed meds but he got sucked in and even felt we didn’t care cos that’s what his mind had tricked him to thinking. I still feel guilt from calling him a pill popper ” . ” LORD GOD, WITH THE END TIMES SO NEAR, I PRAY WITH ALL MY HEART THAT WE HAVE OUR BROTHER BACK AND LORD, WE CAN SOMEHOW FIND AN EXPLANATION TO PEOPLE LIKE A BIG MIX UP OR SOMETHING. ANYWAY, I DON’T CARE WHAT PEOPLE WOULD THINK, MAYBE MY BROTHER JUST WANTED TO GET AWAY AND A HUGE ERROR WAS MADE ABOUT HIS DEATH. We are told in these last days, there will be some miracle signs to try and wake the world up. Don’t care how long it takes.
Where is my miracle that I asked God for: to return my Hugo home to me? I believe He wants to, but my faith, He knows, is not strong enough. I am being selfish asking for my husband’s return from dying, and God knows this. Please, God, let me be pure in my request, to believe You will grant this. God, I blame myself for many things; I lost my husband to a lethal cancer, and I tried my best to keep him alive; he didn’t want to leave me, but he is, I pray, feeling better and basking in your Glory in Heaven. Please, God, let me know this some way, through You or my husband. I cannot go on like this, missing him, blaming myself, depressed, alone, sad, and wanting my only best friend and the best person who entered my life in l966 to return to me–I have to show and give him a lot of love that life’s stresses perhaps didn’t let me do. He deserved the best; he did all for me and my family. God, please, purify my heart, forgive me if I have offended you wth this request or any of my sins, and please if my husband wants to come home, do not take it as an insult from him, but because he knows that I suffer through life now more than I ever did without him. He was my saviour when I slipped, when I cried, when I was stressed, when I worried. I need him. I have no one I can count on–Hugo was true, honest, and true to me.
If I don’t deserve this request, I say to you, Lord, that Hugo does, but that is for you to judge.
Please God, I need my husband, so do other people who beg you to return their loved ones. I’m not special, or better than they are; for there are really good people asking you–I am not them, but my husband strived his entire life to be positive, be strong and move forward. Please let Hugo come home. I miss him so much that I do not know how to go on. I go on so as not to sin against you, but you know that I have said I don’t want to live without my husband. Please Lord, hear me, believe me, and be gracious even if you think I don’t deserve a miracle; I feel that my husband does, and I need him. Thank you, and I know you are looking into me–and I am trying to be honest, but I know I am not perfect or deserving, but through Jesus, your son, I hope that I have become worthy of life eternal with You.
I’m sorry for sounding so selfish when so many others are suffering just like I am. So, I ask it for my husband, if he wants to return to me and our home, please God do it for him, he is a loving, good man. Thank you.
Hallo, has your husband been raised and returned to you? Many thanks, Maria
Hallo, has your husband been raised and returned to you? Many thanks, Maria
Is it a sin to pray to the Virgin Mary and other dead saints?
Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him, “Go Satan! For it is written,’ “You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’ ”
Praying to any person or anything is worship.
WORSHIP DEFINED: To revere, stressing the feeling of awe or devotion. Adoring reverence or regard.
Any worship of anyone or anything other than God is sin.
The Virgin Mary is not God nor does she have the power to grant petitions of prayer. If men could pray to dead saints and get them answered, then why not pray to saint Moses, saint John The Baptist, saint Abraham, saint Job, saint Enoch, saint The Thief on The Cross or any other dead saint?
Dead people cannot hear your prayers and if they could they would not have the power to answer them.
Prayer is worship and only God deserves our worship.
God knows our every thought. God is aware of every sin we commit. God knows our every move.
God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Those are the attributes of God and what you would need in order to answer prayer.
Neither the Virgin Mary, Moses, John The Baptist nor any other dead saint has the attributes of God. They cannot hear you nor can they answer YOUR PRAYERS.
Someone wrote here what I have also thought, what if my husband were to be returned to me by God raising him from the dead and returning him to this life: well, we would have to praise God, and who cares about the media, God is not concerned. I would go to the Pope and ask for His kindness and help in getting my Husband re-instated as a living person. Elisa
Hello, My sister has been declared brain dead by the doctors but I believe That GOD can raise anybody from the dead. Please pray for her to get up. i thank you God for your mercy.
Please I pray that my sister wakes up from what the doctors say that she is brain dead. Please I pray
My husband died april 13 it wasn’t his time to go I know he wouldn’t leave me and our 4 children here what happened to him was horrible someone suffocated him please god bring my husband back please we need home we can’t eat or sleep my kids have nightmares they miss there daddy please lord we will do anything to have hime come back to us please heal his body and raise him back to life please his name is david randall finch please I pray every day all day and night please heavely father give us a second chance we would do anything and everything for anyone who needed help this shouldn’t be happening to us we have our whole life’s left we weren’t finished so lord please please bring him back I have faith and believe you can do this he is a very loving caring man he is my soulmate you gave him to me for a reason I pray for you to give him back please Thank you from the bottom of our broken hearts :(…. Summer Finch
Man Resurrects 7 days after the burial–22–resurrects-7-days-after-burial
boy resurrects after 2 years buried in tanzania
1 when text appeared
2 text exhumation exhumation site
My husband and partner of 14 years took his life 3 weeks ago after battling depression. He was only 41 and had so much to live for. I do not believe it was his time to go. He did not do it of free will he was not in his right mind. Something will not let me admit that he is gone and cannot come back. I have been praying to God that he will bring him back soon. I know i just be patient but it us very hard. I need him, my kids and his family needs him. I think this is a test of my faith to see if I can believe and keep believing and not give up hope. I believe in you god and I am waiting for you and answer my prayer and getting myself ready to accept your answer. I am trying to be patient. Please lord answer my prayers whether it is in your will to raise my husband and bring him back to me soon. Please bring my husband and best friend back to me. Answer my prayers. I thank you for this miracle lord.
My hubby died on 5/10/2014 due. To menegitis.I loved him and I still love him,he was just 31 yrs. Jesus I pray and believe that you will raise him from dead,today….Amen
It’s sad that people are on the site praying for something that can’t possibly happen and giving themselves false hope and more importantly, never letting go. I understand we will see our loved ones when Jesus returns, but people praying for their loved ones, husbands, sisters, brothers etc to be raised from the dead before Jesus returns is just not going to happen so why doesn’t this site tell them that this sort of prayer is pointless and won’t happen. These poor souls are living in false hope and in some cases, are believing with all their hearts and with much faith which means they may never let go and move on and that is tragic. I mean where does it stop, what next, people praying for mothers and fathers who have lived to almost 100 to be raised from the dead. With all due respect Seth, i really wish you would tell all the people on the site that are praying for lost loved ones to be raised from the dead, that all the faith on this planet along with believing 100% in your heart that it will happen will not work or make it happen. Instead, encourage them and help them to move on knowing when Jesus returns, they will then see their lost loved ones but not before. Can’t you see that these people are not moving on with their lives by not letting go. I spoke to my pastor about this several months ago who said to me that it’s wrong for these people to have false hope about this issue and that these people are not letting go and may even be causing distress to their loved ones in heaven. These people must let go and move on with their lives and be happy in the knowledge that God will one day, “when Jesus returns”, reunite us all in blissful peace.
Are you saying that the mother would not love to see the joy and elation in the family at her being raised from the dead. The mother, like any mother would gladly give up their choice to be back with their loved ones.
Hi Elisa, that was me. It’s not just the media and i know God wouldn’t care but friends and people in general would still ask and say hey, what’s going on here, this person died ages ago, did he fake his death. When Jesus returns we will the be reunited with our lost loved ones but not before then. Can it possibly happen, yes for sure but then we would have believers all over the world wanting the same and saying hey God, what about us. Maybe i should keep praying for my lost young brother to be raised but have stopped doing it beliving God may not want me to and why me and not other families.
The reason i say this is because i ,lost my youngest brother 2 years ago today and till fairly recently, i prayed for the same off and on for almost 2 years. I stopped because i thought God would not want me doing this and also because why should God grant my prayer and not other maybe more worthy believers. If i get a feeling in my heart from God, i may start to pray for that again but still moving on which is very important and just leave it with God.
I’m sorry for your loss, William. And I’m sorry for the lost time hoping and praying that God would resurrect him.
Let me be clear, while trusting God to raise someone from the dead is something that Jesus asked us to do, there are limits. If he has already welcome them into heaven, it doesn’t make sense for him to wait a long time to send them back to an inferior place.
Lazarus was dead four days. Daniel Ekechukeuwas dead for three days. I’m not aware of examples beyond that.
Everyone has there own feelings and beliefs on this but God has told me to pray since day one and I will not stop until he tells me too. It does not make sense to me that God would give me false hope and have me pray for no reason. God is great and good and would not torture me like that. I’m not gonna say I do not have doubts at times. But look at all the things God did in the Bible. Raising someone from the grave years later is child’s play to him. So I have no doubt he can do it. If it is part of his plan.
Plse raise my dead mother madam. Rambha rooda who passed away at Penang. Malaysia on12. June 2015
Plse raise my dead mother madam. Rambha rooda who passed away at Penang. Malaysia on12. June 2015
I had a continuous dream DAT I dangle on a cliff and I prayed DAT its a dream after which I woke up.I lost someone I love so much last month, and since then I just hope I could move on with life ;but things just seems more difficult for me.I realize without this person I can’t be my normal self.My question is:Can my faith bring him back to life.
I have a strong faith that Lucky can come back to life even though people tell mi he is gone and that’s final…I believe my God still perform miracles.. I’ve been in pain since he is gone…and I just want him back to life..Pls help me pray
My son died 5 weeks ago. I feel it was not his time. Just a tragic mistake with his medication. He had so many plans and I love him so much. He was not just my son but my best friend. I have faith dear god that you will bring back my son to be with his family. I will continue to honor you dear Lord and devote my entire life to you. I will never ask for another thing just too have my son back. Jesus you are the light and the resurrection please return my son. I will continue to pray and wait for my son to return. I have so much faith and I pray that you answer the prayers of others who have lost their loved ones and are paying for their return. I love you Jesus please show mercy on my son and me and return him to me.
I will continue to pray to the Lord to bring back my son and pray fit everyone else that their loved ones are returned.Please pray for me and my son also.It is impossible to imagine life without him and I know god will bring our lioved ones back to us. Dear Lord you are a merciful kind god. Please hear our prayers.
Jesus Christ gave us authority to raise the dead. Like 10:19
my brother died of train accident on 19.06.2016 . I request Pastor Rago to pay for my brother and raise him from the death. i am from india
I appreciate all the posts on this site. At times I feel certain I am the only one dealing with a devastating loss.. but of course I am not alone…… My mom left us in June and I find the only way I can deal w/ the pain is asking God to bring her back, over and over. I feel God is simply fed up with me but the circumstances of her death and the incredible gem she was haunts me to the core. Why would God take her the way He did? Am I an absolute fool for daring to question Him that way? Most days I feel I won’t survive but I need to take care of my sister and a zillion other challenges.. Is it OK to keep praying that way? I have had a sense she could come back but MB that’s just denial. Just about Everything reminds me of her and my grief has intensified by leaps and bounds even 5 months later. I don’t undersrand a God that would take her as He did…. I just want to hear her laugh and her voice of reassurance. The world is stark and forbidding w/out her.. every day it seems to grow worse…
.. but thx for àll the comments. Sincerely, L. T.
I appreciate all the posts on this site. At times I feel certain I am the only one dealing with a devastating loss.. but of course I am not alone…… My mom left us in June and I find the only way I can deal w/ the pain is asking God to bring her back, over and over. I feel God is simply fed up with me but the circumstances of her death and the incredible gem she was haunts me to the core. Why would God take her the way He did? Am I an absolute fool for daring to question Him that way? Most days I feel I won’t survive but I need to take care of my sister and a zillion other challenges.. Is it OK to keep praying that way? I have had a sense she could come back but MB that’s just denial. Just about Everything reminds me of her and my grief has intensified by leaps and bounds even 5 months later. I don’t undersrand a God that would take her as He did…. I just want to hear her laugh and her voice of reassurance. The world is stark and forbidding w/out her.. every day it seems to grow worse…
.. but thx for àll the comments. Sincerely, L. T.
God heals, God raises from death, My Mother Serah Uzoamaka Okechukwu is dead and is in the mortuary at Eastern Nigeria Medical centre Enugu, I am praying and believing God to raise her in Jesus name, Please join me and my wife in Prayer.
If there is any person in our lives that we could not live without then we are in idolatry. Truly we only need Jesus. He loves us more than any other. He is nicer, funner, sweeter, and truer than anyone else and deserves all of our adoration. He will help you through any grieving and pain you feel. He needs to be your all in all!
my younger brother shakeel amjad died 39 days ago as on 4 may 2017 on road accident he died before his time because before his death he dreams 2 or 3 time about his death and next day at night at 10:30 he die he is 22 year old he decided but not baptist yet but he love jesus a lot and he suddenly dei he is chef by profession every one like him because he is very obedient well i believe Holy trinity God,his son jesus and holy spirit can possible even impossible please pray to God to bring back my brother shakeel amjad to life on this earth as he was living with us in Jesus name amen. nothing impossible for God. please pray for supernatural miracle with will of God amen. allelujah
I am Bella from UNITED KINGDOM , i got married to Husband Jorge, i want to use this golden medium to appreciate Dr. Mack a great Man for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my husband when he ended and turned back on me for (6 years ago). He performed Love spell for me and for 48 hours after the Love spell had been done, i receive a text from my Ex husband saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such thing to me again. I was surprised and i accepted him back. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different should contact this email address. (dr_mack@yahoo. com) He is very powerful and can help you with any problem you have ..
Madam my husband dead on03-07-2017 I need him back alive my child s crying and asking her dad pls help us and save my husband and bring back
Madam my husband dead on03-07-2017 I need him back alive my child s crying and asking her dad pls help us and save my husband and bring back
Dear prayers
Please pray to my mother to rise from dead and come back to life if it is the will of God when she was in hospital i prayed to God to heal her come to home and i promised him to give her full life to Jesus and i was praying day and night with good faith unfortunately she dead at midnight due to sudden cardiak attak due to oxygen shortage or something inside her heart God know and i suddenly prayed loudly at hospital oh blood of Jesus save my mother but not healed dead .
If she is in heaven please lord jesus let me know I am your beloved child of you please if not rise her from the death for the Glory of God and testimony to save unsaved peoples to meet the kingdom of God
Please lord jesus give her second chance and also let me if she is with you.
Dead body can rise in Jesus name and authority.
Kind regards
Yared worku
I take issue with your statement that praying is worship.
Attorneys use the term ” we pray” which really means to ask
Praying is asking in of itself is not worship.
Re Virgin Mary & Saints- praying to them means we ask them to intercede on our behalf.
Dear Pastor Seth
My husband died before his time after a heart attack at home. May 22 2020 We have 4 children and myself and 2 youngest are thanking God for his resurrection And return so as to fulfil his days on earth and ministry to his family friends and lost souls all over Uk and the world. I believe that intimacy precedes miracles and have been praying and seeking the Lord with the family. I am new to raising the dead and perhaps did not persevere as much at the time of Anils death but still now My Lord has heard my cry and he will do it . Its never too late with God even if he has been buried. He is the God of second chances With God all things are possible and We mustn’t limit God . I know that without Faith it is impossible to please God and it’s Faith that moves mountains.
I believe that women received their loved ones from the dead (Hebrews. And that all Gods promises are yes and Amen in Christ. It’s great to have this blog with so many people that are believing like me. I would be grateful if you could let know how to contact Pastor Rago from Mozambique Who prayed 3 days for Rosa and she arose. I would like him to help me stand in Faith to see my husband rise from the dead too. I Am asking the Lord if there is anything that is preventing this miracle to show me . I beleive Lird help my unbelief.
God bless you and all the good work you r doing.
Sister in Christ Corinne
Has god answered your prayers? I am praying for my husband to come back. It’s been 5 months and I pray everyday for god to answer my prayer. Please tell me he answered your prayer and god still does miracles.
Have your prayers been answered? I also lost my husband in July 2020. I am believing god can raise him. He can do the impossible. I have faith that with god he has no limitations. He passed before his time at only 51 from a freak accident. We have 2 boys and they need their dad back. I need my best friend back. Some days I feel if god is going to answer my prayers he would have done it already. I also ask my husband to tell god that he wants to come back but not sure that once you go to heaven you would want to return. I know he would never want to leave us and praying that he wants to come home. I’ve thought maybe it’s not my place to ask for David to come back to us that maybe he has to ask. Sometimes I feel like I’m crazy to think god will bring him back but then I read these posts and know I’m not alone. I pray for everyone to have our prayers answered. I’m praying for god to show everyone that he still does miracles today as long as you believe and have faith in him. I’m not giving up it’s just getting harder the more time that passes.
Dear Laura
I am still waiting and thanking my Jesus. I know all his promises are yes and Amen in Christ. I am not giving up but just keep on pressing in and drawing closer to Jesus who always says “Trust ME”.
He alone is the Trustworthy and Faithful God who is absolutely Good and truly Loves us.
My love and prayers are with you and the family
Pls send me pastor Rago contact details email address and mobile number cause I need his prayers for my sister Arachna’s resurrection.
Pls help me
I keep believing that even today, September 28, 2012, Jesus will raise my husband, Hugo, and let him be alive again on Earth with me, his wife. I have learned to really believe, trust Jesus’ love for me and that Jesus will in his love let me into his heart, and he will bring my husband home to me. With my heart I believe Jesus will answer my request; I have invited him into my life, with my sins, and I know he has forgiven me, andhe will show me His love through granting my request to have my husband return home. I feel that my husband sees and hears my suffering, feels my heart hurting, knows that I cannot exist any longer; and when Jesus asks him if he wants to return, even though Heaven is a better place for him with no more cancer, pain; my husband didn’t want to leave me alone. Jesus I believe, love you, and I wait for Hugo to return on September 29, 2012, 2 months after he died. I need him to live; he needs me and was not ready to leave me. Jesus I believe. I will wait for Hugo tomorrow to call me, and I will go and get him and take him to the home he loved and back to me. God is powerful, good, loving, and He will through Jesus, love me for my request.
I have been praying for God to raise my daughter for twelve weeks and now it’s Easter- really hope this is the time he chooses. I even tater at times for Him to raisetheman who murdered her and then himself. I have a few believing friends but would appreciate your prayers also! I will let you knowwhen it happens. Thanks and believe our God can do anything and He will!!
Pray for my brother Todd to be raised from the dead. He died before his time(suicide). He was upset about past due bills, losing his house, his first DWI. He did not mean to do this. This mistake needs to be corrected. I am believing that God, Jesus ( his son) will raise him from the dead because this was a mistake not meant to be.