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Doing our bit for global warming

Karen and I have turned off the A/C this summer. We’re not greenies, but we’re wrestling with what is an appropriate lifestyle as a world citizen. There’s a lot of unease out there. Rising oil prices, interest rates, and Mideast violence has people on edge. A part of me welcomes the tide of pr…
By Seth Barnes

Karen and I have turned off the A/C this summer. We’re not greenies, but we’re wrestling with what is an appropriate lifestyle as a world citizen.

There’s a lot of unease out there. Rising oil prices, interest rates, and Mideast violence has people on edge. A part of me welcomes the tide of problems rolling in towards our shores. In the last 15 years, according to U.S. News, the number of SUVs has grown from 7% to 50% of all cars in America. We’re the only country that has actually become less energy efficient over that time.

Of course, the smart thing to do would have been to decrease our dependence on oil. Jimmy Carter thought he could stage manage that and it backfired on him.

It’s inevitable that we will have to pay the piper, so I say “bring it on.” Let’s adjust our lifestyles to fit the requirements of our times. You don’t hear many sermons about Jesus’ simple lifestyle, but maybe you should.

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