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Don’t Let Your Disability Define You

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Our daughter, Leah, has battled adversity all her life. She has had to struggle in ways that break our hearts as parents.  At the same time, our family recognizes that all of us have disabilities of different kinds. We try to focus on strengths rather than handicaps. When we see Leah, we …
By Seth Barnes

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Our daughter, Leah, has battled adversity all her life. She has had to struggle in ways that break our hearts as parents. 

At the same time, our family recognizes that all of us have disabilities of different kinds. We try to focus on strengths rather than handicaps. When we see Leah, we see that she is a good servant. She has a heart for others, and she is patient.

When she was a teenager, we encouraged her to travel to Mexico and serve at a mission base there. It wasn’t easy for her, but she did it.

Leah knew two of the missionaries at the base: Bob and Marisa Waag. The Waags loved Leah’s can-do spirit and her determination to overcome her disabilities. They saw an example that they wanted to share with others.

For years Bob and Marisa nurtured the idea of starting a school for needy children. After returning to Cleveland, they trusted God for the resources and team to turn the dream into a reality. Their faith made it happen. And they decided to name the school after Leah.

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This past weekend, Karen, Leah and I flew to Cleveland for the grand opening of Leah’s Creative Learning Center. The Waags have done an incredible job of making their dream come true. And we’re so proud of Leah for the way she is inspiring future generations of dream-builders!

What disability do you have? We all have them. Don’t let them define you. Your strengths are a gift that someone needs. Leah has given us a fresh example of how powerful that can be.

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