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Dr. Dawson’s 20 rules for healthy living

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Some things actually help you to live longer.  Science shows that they correlate to healthy living.  Dr. Steve Dawson is one of the sharpest doctors I know.  He lists the following common sense rules for healthy living – all of them not a matter of opinion, but of correlative studi…
By Seth Barnes

Some things actually help you to live longer.  Science shows that they correlate to healthy living.  Dr. Steve Dawson is one of the sharpest doctors I know.  He lists the following common sense rules for healthy living – all of them not a matter of opinion, but of correlative studies.

1.  Don’t smoke (apparently, the occasional cigar doesn’t matter)
2.  Always wear your seat belt and shoulder harness, don’t speed
3.  Stay in good shape (including weights)
4.  Eat a lean, well rounded diet with as few calories as possible
5.  Keep thin (follows from 3 & 4)
6.  Get married (happiness and health correlates to marriage)
7.  Find something to do with your life that’s important to you
    (Happiness is important for both health and longevity – being happy is dependent on finding someone to love and something to do)
8.  If you’re male, have a daughter – better yet, have two.  Men with daughters live longer than men without.
9.  Get an annual physical exam
     – if you’re male get a rectal exam starting at 35 & a more detailed check up at 50
10.  Attend church every week (it correlates to health and happiness)
11.  Drink 1-2 glasses of red wine a day – more or less is harmful
12.  Live by routine with plenty of sleep
13.  Simplify your life as much as possible
14.  Be optimistic and honest
15.  Grow in your faith constantly
16.  If those who know you offer advice, listen very carefully to it
17.  Save as much money as possible and avoid debt
18.  Learn to spot depression in your family and get professional help ASAP.
19.  If you’re female, take as much high calcium food as possible before you’re 30 and have babies early in life.
20. Turn the TV off – it’s more influential than most parents, causes obesity, exacerbates depression decreases creativity and increases violent behavior.  Time is better spent doing almost anything else.  You’ll never miss it.

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