Example of a trafficked child in Haiti

So far, over 5000 people have signed the petition to close down the Son of God orphanage in Haiti.
In less than 48 hours, my blog post on the 75 orphans in jeopardy and the corruption involved in this situation has been read and shared over 6000 times. Many of you have gotten the word out in your own way, and we are extremely grateful.
But none of this matters if this is just another impersonal cause without a face. So I want to introduce you to Katia.
Katia is a one of the orphans in grave danger at the Son of God Orphanage. A week ago our contact was able to get her to the doctor. Her weight had dropped from 14 lbs to 11 lbs. She is 5 years old.
The doctor told us that if something wasn’t done immediately, she would die. We just found out she’s missing.
Most likely, she’s dead.
I can’t sugar-coat this for you. This is real. These are real children, and something must be done. If you remember the story of Magdala, this is the same orphanage. I’m not proud of the fact that we gave money to this cause, that we were tricked.
But we need to act now, to stop this before another child disappears.
Please help stop this injustice by raising your voice. There are 75 other Katias remaining at the orphanage. They are completely vulnerable.
As she closes her eyes tightly, her young mind is filled with confusion. Her fear is great and her pain is greater. Laying on the cold, dirty concrete floor…rats run by as once again her belly is empty…
Her mind runs through the faces of all of the people who have come to visit…but yet things stay the same…little food to eat because it is being sold, continuous beatings, neglect, abuse…
Hearing this child scream as I helped clean her 13-day old wound is a sound and a sight that I will never forget. The pain, the fear, being trapped, not being able to share what happened.
We’re currently tapping all our resources to finish up the 5000 additional names we need for the petition. The biggest part of our strategy involves you.
We need you to use your voice to share Katia’s story to bring this injustice to light. We need you to help us free 75 other orphans just like her before they go missing… or worse.
If you haven’t already signed the petition, please do so by clicking here: Expose Human Trafficking at Son of God Orphanage
And if you’re on Twitter, you can tweet Amber Lyon (@amberlyon) directly, the CNN reporter we’re trying to get in contact with. If you know at any major media outlets, please feel free to forward these stories on to them and email me if you hear back. We are prepared to go on record with an interview.
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I’m getting so sick reading this. May life and healing be given and may what was stolen be given back seven fold of what the devil has stolen
A voice that is silent, does no good. In order for evil to prevail, good men sit back and do nothing. We as Christians must be His hands, His feet, His mouth and do something to help those that are suffering so.
After reading this I signed the petition and then went to Megan’s blog. Made me wonder why I am sitting here and am not there.
I am so sorry that this is allowed to happen, The USA only gives attention to it’s own citizens who have good homes to provide our children, and don’t need Children and Youth services to interfere in good homes so they can take a child out of the home so CYS can make up to $10,000 a month for a child that has emotional problems. Why does’nt the government take that money and use it to pull those children out of those homes? They need the services more then any in this country.
I’ll pray to The Great Lord Above will bless you and help you with strength to overcome
Speechless. Finding a voice for their voices.
Maybe I missed it, but are we as Americans able to adopt these kids?
Everyone is making good points and saying these children need to be helped but what is everyone doing or going to do? Commenting on what needs to be done is one thing but storming the gates are another. What can be done other than signing something… who will go there and hold those children… that picture of that little girl asleep on the concrete slab just killed me… am I on the first plane there? No. I’m still here comfortable with my Disneyland coffee cup and warm pajamas and sleeping child in her overplush bed upstairs.
I dont’ know God’s expectations of us in this fully… I can’t see any further than my coffee cup and the fact that this is just beyond sickening and I feel powerless and helpless to do anything and as soon as I get off here I will be back to my suburban life and their hell goes on.
Libby C,
Thank you for your honest reflections. Thankfully many people did storm heaven’s gates, and these children were freed. Signing the petition may not seem like much, but it did have an effect in granting these children their freedom.
There are many who have come and held and loved these children, and there are many who I believe still will come and do so. For a while they have been inaccessible to some while Max was in jail, but others from some churches that have been consistent in visiting, helping and loving have still come, so even though you may not be in a place where you can come right now, I think God has heard your cries, seen your frustration, and He understands- and He has sent those who are able to come.
I appreciate your real wrestling, but perhaps right now at this season of your life you are not released to come, but your heartfelt concern moves God’s heart. Please continue to pray for these kids while they experience a major transition and recover from the trauma. Yours and others prayers do not bounce back from heaven- those who cry out on behalf of the orphans and vulnerable do indeed have an audience in heaven, and your prayers matter.