I don’t know about you, but I struggle with faith, especially when it comes to believing God for healing. Here’s how I think it often works: You have to believe that God speaks and be willing to listen to his voice. Then you have to be willing to obey and to look ridiculous along the way. That’s how Jesus did it; it’s how his disciples did it, and it’s been my experience too. This story from Tiffany Berkowitz does a good job of illustrating the point. She and her friend Amanda (writing in red) take turns telling it. 


Tiffany Berkowitz
Amanda: When we were still in Mozambique, Tiffany was suffering from skin infections.  She had multiple bug bites that were infected.  She also had eczema that was all over her hands.  On top of that, one morning she came to me and showed me her pinky finger, which had swelled to three times its normal size.  She had no idea what was wrong. 
Tiffany: God has been giving me situations to be faithful in.
That doesn’t just mean doing what He says to do, it means trusting thatHe is who He says He is.. and that He DOES care about the “small things”. It’s easier sometimes for me to believe He cares about the big issues, but not the small, unimportant ones. Boy was I wrong. And this is how He showed me that not only is He a BIG God, but He’s a little God too.. in the sense that.. nothing is insignificant to Him if it has to do with His kids.

As she was showing me her finger, God told me VERY clearly, “Amanda, pray for her because I want to heal her”. Now, I do NOT see myself as someone who is capable of praying healing over someone. I told God to find someone else. He kept gently reminding me that he wanted ME to do it. I kept putting it out of my mind.

A few days later (yes, I really argued for a few days), God told me AGAIN to go pray healing over her because he wanted to heal her. My opportunity slipped away. I decided to make a deal with God. I told him that if he created another opportunity that day that I would do it. Well, another opportunity never presented itself, so I thought I was off the hook. Ha Ha Ha.

God is so patient. He told me again to pray for her and I whined, “I don’t know what to pray”. God then responded to me, “Amanda, where is your faith”? I thought that was an excellent question. I sighed and then told God that I had no clue what I was doing but that I would do it if he really wanted me to. When I opened my eyes, who do you think I saw?? I saw Tiffany sitting on the beach below me. She was all by herself. I rolled my eyes upward and said, “really?” under my breath. He answered, “REALLY!! Now GO!!” So begrudgingly I jumped off the wall to join her on the sand.