Fear of storms in life
Katrina was such a catastrophic event, leaving a whole city homeless, that three years later, New Orleans is properly respectful and apprehensive of Gustav. Many are no doubt just getting over their post-traumatic stress from the last go-around. There is something about a monster stor…
By Seth Barnes
Katrina was such a catastrophic event, leaving a whole city homeless, that three years later, New Orleans is properly respectful and apprehensive of Gustav. Many are no doubt just getting over their post-traumatic stress from the last go-around. There is something about a monster storm that puts the fear of God in a person.
But fear of God and fear of dying, or losing everything, or just fear of the unknown are very different things. That kind of fear prevents one from trusting God, and it seems, that is the one thing he asks of us in a storm. I don’t know, I think he’s asking a lot. But look how Jesus deals with his disciples on the subject:
“Without warning a furious storm came up on the lake…The disciples woke Jesus, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’
He replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the wind and the waves and it was completely calm.” (Matt. 9:24-26)
Gustav’s landfall has got a lot of people praying desperate prayers this morning. I wish we had the kind of faith Jesus wants us to have. Being human is a difficult thing. You go through something painful, you pray, “Save me, Lord, keep me from this pain,” and still the pain comes – and when God is apparently asleep, he says to us, “Trust me anyway.”
It’s a counter-intuitive thing to ask, like the husband who says, “Take me back, I’m different this time.” I mean, if he hadn’t struggled through this business of putting on skin and walking through this sometimes stingingly harsh world, I’d probably have given up long ago.
For all of you in Gustav’s path this morning, or in the path of some other unpredictable storm in life, Jesus’ words are a challenge, “Trust me anyway.” And when you’ve prayed your last prayer of faith, when you feel the fear coming on you again, know that many others who have gone through their own storms in life are praying for you.
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Thanks Seth. I needed this today. The unexpected storm in my life has yet to calm down and it’s good to hear the constant reminders to trust God completely. Thankfully He knows what He’s doing because I certainly don’t!
Faith like a child. As small as a mustard seed. And we could move mountains. Lord let it be!
I have a little different take on his being upset with the disciples – he had been modeling faith, walking them through many things and when he said boys we’re going to the other side – so when He says we are going – they were going to get there! Come hell or high water they were going to do what Jesus said because everything He said would happen, happened – feeding the multitudes, healing the diseased, etc. He could sleep in the storm because there was perfect peace at his very center – He knew they would make it. When He was upset with them I think it was because He wanted them to take authority over the storm. He spoke to the storm and it ceased – He spoke to the fig tree and it dried up and died, He spoke life and life happened in broken and tormented bodies. I think I have a lot to learn about this but I know that there is Life and Death in the power of the tongue – what do I speak to my storm? God created the world by His voice, He framed the very worlds with His voice! What would have happened it they spoke to the storm? I will have to ask the Lord when I see Him!
Thanks for your posts Seth they are an encouragement! Blessings!
I heard a teaching this past week re: signs of the end times and hurricane “Katrina” was discussed. It was said that name, ironically means, “Cleansing”.
I’m not sure what you may think of when you think of New Orleans but I visualize the open blatent round the clock display of sin, in mobbed streets call parades. Parades?
A place entrenched in sin and is it voodoo or witchcraft…does it matter? What matters is that, I view it no accident that hurricane was named “Cleansing”….
…but what has been most revealing is that God’s mercy is immeasurable. His love unfailing.
Gustav caused most to flee and rightfully so.
The build up of what this storm could have been, was no accident either. God has apparently enlightened multitudes.
And no, He did not stop there….with all that build up and the evacuations people prayed, some like never before and still others finally to The King of Kings…Thank You Jesus………You heard them and in your mercy they now know You!
I wonder what changes will come in the days and years ahead. We thank you Lord that you are turning the children back to The Father…Amen.