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Finding focus in life

I sat all day with a couple of angel investors in a NYC club yesterday as they listened to the funding presentations of eight entrepreneurs. Some observations: The investors were all about tough love. They didn’t sugarcoat the truth. The biggest way that they demonstrated tough love wa…
By Seth Barnes
I sat all day with a couple of angel investors in a NYC club yesterday as they listened to the funding presentations of eight entrepreneurs.
Some observations:
  1. The investors were all about tough love. They didn’t sugarcoat the truth.
  2. The biggest way that they demonstrated tough love was by helping an entrepreneur see what is important about their business model and what isn’t.
  3. They advised relentless focus on the one thing that the entrepreneur could be best at.
It reminded me of Jesus. Jesus was always asking about priorities and focus. He would say things like,
“Do you love me more than these?” and “Let the dead bury the dead.”
It made me think, If I had an hour with these guys to review my life and look at focus, what would they say? Would I come away and say, “I need to stop doing some things because they’re tangential to my life’s purpose”?
How about you? What will burn up in the big fire at the end of your life? Are you focused?

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