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Finding the perfect church (part 2)

not being a victim
The Bible doesn’t give us anything that looks remotely like a “Purpose Driven Church” model. Instead, we can look at Hebrews 10 and see that we shouldn’t give up meeting together (now there’s a great verse around which to build a philosophy of church, “hey, church may seem hopelessly boring, but …
By Seth Barnes

The Bible doesn’t give us anything that looks remotely like a “Purpose Driven Church” model. Instead, we can look at Hebrews 10 and see that we shouldn’t give up meeting together (now there’s a great verse around which to build a philosophy of church, “hey, church may seem hopelessly boring, but don’t give up meeting together”), and we can look at the model of church we see in the book of Acts, particularly the example in chapter 2. Yes, there are other passages, but I’ve already pulled 7 corporate activities (corporate, not as in “IBM,” but as in “things we do together”) out of the text, so I’m going to keep digging to see what other truths we can mine. And I find these 6 individual responses in the same Acts 2:42-47 passage.


6 Individual Attitudes & Responses

They were devoted to the apostle’s teaching

1. They were filled with awe

2. They sold and gave their possessions

3. They met together every day

4. They had glad and sincere hearts

5. They broke bread together in their homes

The fruit: “The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

If by the term “the perfect church” we mean a church without flaws or problems, then it is true, we will never see such a church this side of heaven. On the other hand, perhaps one reason that we feel such a yearning for kind of church we see in Acts is because God placed this design in our hearts.

We believe that while we may never attain perfection, we should at least shoot for a biblical model. If we are submitted to God and to one another, God can do the same thing in our midst that He did for the first century Jerusalem church.

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