Finding your kingdom dream

I’ve been teaching on the subject “Finding your kingdom dreams” here at the Awakening in Brasov, Romania. The response from the racers has at times been electric. They’re getting awakened to all kinds of needs and possibilities as they travel the world and they’ve begun to dream about how to embr…
By Seth Barnes
I’ve been teaching on the subject “Finding your kingdom dreams” here at the Awakening in Brasov, Romania. The response from the racers has at times been electric. They’re getting awakened to all kinds of needs and possibilities as they travel the world and they’ve begun to dream about how to embrace them.
Remember the Supertramp song “Dreamer”? The lyric taunts, “Dreamer – you’re nothing but a dreamer.” And we resonate, because who hasn’t felt taunted for their dreams?
Most of us are at least ambivalent about our dreams. I’m not talking about the dreams we
have while sleeping. It’s our waking dreams and what they might require of us that we’re a bit scared of.
have while sleeping. It’s our waking dreams and what they might require of us that we’re a bit scared of.
We come by dreaming naturally. As children we play at being adults. We create alternative worlds in our daydreams. We dream about getting rich, solving problems, getting married. In this world we’re lonely, poor and we feel ugly. In our dream we’re a prince or princess. We’re inventing a cure for cancer, running a successful business, having a family. We see someone across the room and find him or her “dreamy.”
But if someone dreams too much, they have their head in the clouds. They’re impractical.
The reality is, dreaming is an important part of living. God is a “dreamer.” He shares his dreams with us and lets us call them our dreams. Jesus asks us to pray “your kingdom come.” It has not fully arrived – that’s God’s dream. The world is not spiraling down into decay – it’s getting brighter. And we Christians engage our faith when we dream and pray our dreams into being. Dreams are hope-filled visions of the future. With a dream, we have hope and can bring hope to others.
I gave the racers the following points about kingdom dreams:
1. We need a dream
- We are hard-wired for purpose
- We practice dreaming – daydreaming
- AIM was a dream. The World Race was a dream. Swaziland was a dream.
Sometimes we’ll go for months or even years without having a dream. It’s not a good way to live. We need dreams – they keep us going. God gives us his dreams for us to birth and then steward.
We need to re-imagine our lives from time to time. That’s the point of the WR. It introduces you to God’s dream for the world and helps you re-invent yourself according to it.
2. Our dream is shaped by four things
- World’s needs
- Our passion – heart
- Our plan – head
- Our skills – hands
Most of us have dreams, but they’re much too small. They center on our needs. We want a certain kind of car or house or experience or relationship. We need to look beyond our lives for God’s dreams.
3. We need to serve someone else’s dream first
There are four reasons why:
- Mentoring – we get it when we serve others.
- Humility – if we get our dreams too fast, we become proud.
- Kingdom connectedness – we borrow the relationships of our mentors.
- Start with a two-year internship somewhere and you’ll have the raw materials for your own dreams.
My dream: To fill the nations with God’s glory. For the twenty years that AIM has been in existence, I’ve been dreaming about raising up a generation of radical disciples. I’m starting to see glimpses that the dream could one day become a reality.
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In May 2008, Elizabeth graduated from that great school in Virginia (you went to the other one) The College of William and Mary. The commencement speaker was Mike Tomlin who had graduated from W&M 15 years earlier and was the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers and on his way to being the youngest coach to win a super bowl. (Ironically we live in Pittsburgh). He spoke of dreams and how important they were and to not lose them, don’t let people or society take them away from you, because they’ll try. You would have loved it!
I tell you this because of the impression that made on Doug and I and we’ve not forgotten it. I hope Elizabeth was listening. I hope she was listening to you as well. The messages are parallel and she may take away that she is destined for something special, not forced into a cubicle or a box for her mind.
This generation of millenials is special. I can feel it. I felt it when she graduated from high school. They will change the world for the better. They have to. We need them. May God bless them, guide them and use them fully.
And God’s winking at you!
“It will come about after this
that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;
and your sons and daughters will prophecy.
Your old men will dream dreams;
your young men will see visions…
and it will come about that whoever
calls on the name of the Lord
will be delivered.”
Great teaching!
Thank you, this came at a good time. Blessings and prayers in the Awakening!
Thanks, Seth. Headed to California this morning to meet with a new ministry called “Cargo of Dreams”.
Love you.
love it love it love it!!!
thanks again. its good to know that people exist who will encourage my dreaming. 🙂
I think this is why so much of scripture tells us to “guard our hearts”, “not to lose heart” and to “take heart”. It’s as if from Genesis to Revelation God was saying “Dream on – dream on”. We are created in the image of a creator so we are intended to create with creativity – yes? Applying that creativity to our lives leads to living out some radically imaginative dreams. My dream is to be a “fearless lover” – of God and of others – and to encourage others to love without fear in a scary world and to go deeper and deeper with Jesus.
Amen to that Seth! It is often difficult for us to step out side of our comfort zone and be radical! It is knowing that God wants us to think out side of the normal box, to learn new things, to mentor, to reach out and dream a radical dream. When we reach out for his love and press in, press in, press in, each bench press is one step closer to His ultimate love for all of his children. Thank you, and blessing.
Rz sent me a link to your site. I’m glad she did! I share your world view. I look forward to reading more of your updates.
Natan Sharansky wrote: This tie to community in the past, the present, and the future is what adds a further dimension to your own immediate activities. It requires that you not simply engage the world as a lone individual. History becomes a pact between the dead, the living, and the yet unborn. Being part of such a community gives you great strength to defend your values and vision: a strength that comes not only from inside yourself but also in your ties to others who share with you these ideals. What you gain is solidarity-the sense of what is common among the members of this mutually committed community, from which each person draws support and strength.
It sounds like this is what you are doing…building a network around the world.
We agree!! Your Kingdom come Your Will be done!! It sounds like these World Racers are dreamers and they’re ready to move! Thank you
Thank God for dreams! AIM, as you mentioned was a dream, was exactly what I needed to realize the dreams I had for myself. Thank you, and of course, our Lord.