Focus on ministering to the meek & desperate

The engine behind the growth of Iris in Mozambique has been a marriage of love and power; we do not have to choose between them, but can look forward to doing even greater works than Jesus, while remaining in His love.
We look for revival among the broken, humble and lowly, and start at the bottom with ministry to the poor. God chooses the weak and despised things of the world to shame the proud, demonstrating His own strength and wisdom. Our direction is lower still…We are not experts. We haven’t learned how to do church and revival; we only know to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God (1 Pet. 5:6). We gravitate to the low things of the world. Competition and comparison with others don’t suit our DNA. We feel no pressure to succeed and excel, but we exult in doing things well by the power of the Spirit.
God’s ways are the reverse of the world’s. We waste our time on the uninfluential and the few, stopping for the one. We show where God cares when no one else does. We go to the neglected, the forgotten, the lonely. We will go anywhere, if possible, to minister to the meek and desperate, the poor in spirit, who truly understand their need of God.
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Yes and Amen, a life of Love and lower still.
Seth, this lady has an amazing ministry and I just finished her book. Thought I would plug her book, Compelled by Love: How to change the world through the simple power of love in action. It is a “must read”. Thanks and have a joyous Memorial day! Frank <><
Powerful! I love this!