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Four Pillars of Life

“Theology is the study of God and his ways. For all we know, dung beetles may study man and his ways and call it humanology. If so, we would probably be more touched and amused than irritated. One hopes that God feels likewise.” – Frederick Buechner In life we all have main pillars giving stru…
By Seth Barnes
“Theology is the study of God and his ways. For all we know, dung beetles may study man and his ways and call it humanology. If so, we would probably be more touched and amused than irritated. One hopes that God feels likewise.” – Frederick Buechner
In life we all have main pillars giving structure to our lives. Jesus didn’t want to make life more complicated than it needed to be. When asked about what was really important, he said, “Love God and love people.” The Bible is full of advice and rules for how to live life, but when you look at its essence, this is what you have left. The Bible gives us a process governing the way in which we do these two simple things. They boil down to this: seek intimacy with others. Discipleship is the process whereby we love and become intimate with God. Koinonea is the process whereby we love and become intimate with fellow believers.

Recognizing with humility that if Jesus kept it simple, so should we, we must recognize that God wants us, his creatures, to be happy and gives us a great deal of latitude. Freedom within the context of these guidelines is the atmosphere that God seeks. And God is not only interested in relationships. He wants to spread His love across the world. He gives us something to do and attaches a goal to it. Spiritual dominion over evil is the goal that we’ve been given as we interface with an unbelieving world.

So, here are the four main pillars governing our life together:

  1. Discipleship – Growing in God, getting his DNA
  2. Koinonea – God with skin on
  3. Freedom – God’s creativity unleashed
  4. Dominion – God with shoes on

Tomorrow we look at discipleship.


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