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Free leadership training resources

not being a victim
The world of missions has changed radically in a generation. Whereas the American Church used to carry the lion’s share of the load, the rest of the world has swept past us with a great swoosh of the Spirit’s wind. In India alone, thousands of national missionaries are reaching one billion…
By Seth Barnes

The world of missions has changed radically in a generation. Whereas the American Church used to carry the lion’s share of the load, the rest of the world has swept past us with a great swoosh of the Spirit’s wind.

In India alone, thousands of national missionaries are reaching one billion of their countrymen
with the hope that Jesus offered.

So what role does that leave for the American Church? One of the most obvious ways we can come alongside nationals overseas is with an Ephesians 4:12 ministry of equipping them for works of service, and especially leadership training. EQUIP is a good example of a ministry that does this.

I personally write a lot on the subject of leadership (for a list of my blogs on leadership, go here). And I’m continually looking for free leadership resources for nationals (in countries where they can’t get them). For example, here is a free set of commentaries and a spiritual gift test.


The best free leadership resource I’ve seen so far is available at this link. Or click on any of the following articles. A missionary who trains leaders in the bush in Botswana uses them and told me about them. Many are by George Patterson, a leadership guru.


Autocratic Leaders


Deal wisely with leaders accustomed to high level authority

Balanced Ministry Triangle

[Pastoral Work]

Diagram of relationships in the Trinity, applied to disciple making

Balanced Church Life

[Pastoral Work]

Harmonize the ministries of a church or Christian organization

Bible Models

[Character Development]

Tell stories to help people to follow good biblical examples

Bible Models with Role-Plays, and Guidelines

[Pastoral Work]

Develop healthy flocks by teaching with role-plays.

Bible Stories


O. T. stories introducing basic spiritual truths, listed with related New Testament stories:

For all Bible stories and applications, download

Appendix from

Shepherd’s Storybook

Bible Readings

[Family and Small Groups]

Entire Bible, stories for children, discussion questions

Cautions for Field Administrators


Avoid common errors of green or careless field supervisors.

Cell formation


Good and bad routes to take to form small groups (a diagram, MSWord document)

Cells and House Churches, Get Started

[Pastoral Work]

Brief summary of what to do.

Cells, Reach your City with Cells (Home Groups)

[Small Groups]

Extensively researched. Thorough treatment.

Cellular Church Body, Analysis of Development


Form small churches within a larger congregation.

Child of Peace


Work with a person of peace like Levi, Cornelius or Lydia to enter communities

Children, Caring for during Worship


Prepare children to work with adults during worship

Children Participate Seriously in Church Life


Children disciple younger ones and serve with adults.

Church Multiplication–

Can we Take it too Far?

[Church Planting]

Avoid misconceptions, false idealism

Church Multiplication Guide Explained

[Church Planting and Leadership Training]

Flocks that reproduce

Church Reproduction, Spontaneous


Case study: George Patterson, Honduras
(pdf file).

Church Planter’s Checklist

[Church Planting]

Brief list of vital church planting tasks, to remind one what to do

Church Planting Myths

[Church Planting]

Slay ‘sacred cows’ that paralyze the work by exposing myths

Communicate the Gospel to Muslims


A non-argumentive approach to sharing Christ wih Muslim friends

Community, Christian, Developing

[Pastoral Work]

Activities to build healthy church bodies and cells

Congregational Progress Chart


Checklist of vital ministries, to train shepherds

Congregations Serving Each Other

[Church Body Life]

Edifying interaction between cells & churches

Coordinating New Church Work in a Large Region

[Mission, Church Planting and Leadership]

Mobilize new leaders

Development and Relief

[Mercy Ministry]

Jesus’ command to love our neighbor in practical way

Discipleship and Intimacy with God


Workshop outline, Neil Gamble, renewal

Discipling that balances Relationships, the Word and Ministry:

See Balanced Ministry Triangle (diagram)

Education, Christian


Rethinking traditional religious education, its problems and solutions

Education, Theological, oriented to obedience:

see Obedience Oriented Education.

Empowering Shepherds


How mentors make new leaders’ ministry more effective

Evangelism, working with a ‘Son of Peace’


Guidelines to penetrate a new community

Fifteen Facts of Life and Death,

see Life and Death

Formal Course,

See Mentoring for Ministry

Freedoms that Churches Should Enjoy


Free believers & flocks from paralyzing traditions

‘GlobaLocal’ Church


‘Double vision’ focus on both local and distant outreach

Healing in Jesus’ Name

[Mercy Ministry]

A testimony by a medical doctor, Klydi Vampa, M.D.

Idols of any Kind Grieve God


God’s love compared to a mother’s broken heart

Jesus’ Major Commands


Bible studies, to make disciples who obey our Lord’s commands

Jesus’ Commands, Short List


A brief list summing up all that Jesus commanded

Jesus’ Life and the Good News


A brief summary, based on the Apostles’ testimony



What the Koran teaches about Jesus (a ‘bridge’ to build relationships with Muslims)

Leaders Empowered


How mentors can make new leaders more effective

Leadership Training by mentoring:

see Mentoring…

Man of Peace:

See ‘Child of Peace’

Mentoring, Applications (different purposes)


Strengthen flocks, families & organization.

Mentoring Compared to Classroom

Brief Analysis�Complete Analysis

[Leadership Training]

Orient mentors.

Mentoring, Assertive and Purposeful


Instruction tied to action aimed at  results

Mentor for Ministry


Formal course for seminary credit or certificate: 7 modules, content & aims

Mentoring, General Guidelines


Aids for training new Christian leaders


Information Chart


Gather information from trainees (MS Word� Doc)

MentorNet Messages


Brief articles on a variety of issues and problems that mentors face (Page)

Mentoring New Leaders–

Who Should Do it? [Training Leaders]

Enlist trainers among new leaders

Menu-based Training


Listen, then select studies that fit needs of each trainee’s flock

Ministries Check List


A chart of church activities that the New Testament requires


Ministerios Importantes



Los ministeriios que Dios requiere que una iglesia haga


Mission Theory and Practice Integrated

[Mission Training]

Add action to mission courses

Muslim Work


Communicating the Good News to Muslims

New Shepherd’s Identified


Guidelines for identifying pastoral workers

Obedience Oriented Education

[Pastoral Training]

Theological Education

and Evangelism by Extension ( TEEE)

‘One Another’ Commands


Help believers and congregations to serve one another in love

Priorities Chart


Help mentors to know trainees’ strength and needy areas of focus

Religions, Non-Christian, Dealing with


Serving in pagan societies―what to do and to avoid

Renewal–Repair Rusty Organizational Structures


Freedom from restrictive rules

River of Grace [Pastoral Work]

Resist power-hungry controllers and legalistic rules. A short story.

Role-plays (an extensive list, arranged topically):

See Demonstrations.

Routes that churches take�good and bad�to grow


Small groups, diagram (MS Word�)

Self-support Issues


Mobilizing many volunteer workers. See also Voluntary Workers.

Sending Church: See ‘Globalocal Church’

Sin, original. Eve Tells Cain & Abel How Life Was before the Fall


Eve laments the great loss

Small Groups, Starting


Guidelines. Start cells that edify believers & reproduce new cells

Small Groups, good & bad routes that churches take to form cells (diagram):

See Cell Formation.

Spiritual Gifts – Biblical Models


Discern gifting: compare one’s interests with persons in the Bible

Spontaneous Reproduction of Churches

[Missions, church planting]

Case study and guidelines. George Patterson (pdf)

Stories & Skits


Use stories, skits and role-plays to teach God’s Word more effectively

Suffering, for Twelve Years


The woman’s thoughts, who was healed of a hemorrhage.

Teaching Integrated with other Disciplines


Integrate truth and task; defragmenting theology

Team Formation

See Missionary Team Formation.

Train Leaders Like Jesus and His Apostles Did


Supplement lectures with mentoring.

Trouble Shooting Chart

[Church Planting]

Helps for
common problems

Writing Studies to Train Leaders


Guidelines to write simple textbooks that result in action



Globalocal Church


Workers Mobilized, Activating Invisible Resources


Mobilize more workers for missions

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