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Fruit from the blog community

blog community
Returned this morning from a three day backpacking adventure with six guys. We relished breathing the clear Colorado mountain air together. The mountains, the forests, and the rock formations were inspiring. And we loved the sense of community we had along the trail as a group of men. Now that w…
By Seth Barnes
Man hikeReturned this morning from a three day backpacking adventure with six guys. We relished breathing the clear Colorado mountain air together. The mountains, the forests, and the rock formations were inspiring. And we loved the sense of community we had along the trail as a group of men.
Now that we’re down off the mountain, I’m still thinking about community – our blog community. At the beginning of this month we transitioned from a blog that was primarily about me giving you devotional thoughts to a more intentional community of people trying to walk as Jesus did in our modern society. 13 blog readers volunteered to help those needing prayer, counsel, or discipleship. And we posted their pictures and bios on the blog so you could begin to get to know them and even trust their hearts and discernment a bit.
Community building is a slow process. Trust can be built with a person or a group over the course of years. Still, God has used what we’ve got here in surprising ways. Ministry has happened. People have received prayer. Many have shared their hearts. So, while the blog will never replace a real, face-to-face group of people doing life together, it can breathe the life of the Kingdom into us. It can help us set our sights higher. It can stir up faith and prayer.
And it’s working – people are being impacted. So far, 15 people have signed up for our online discipleship groups and another perhaps as many have sought us out for prayer or counsel.
As an example of the blog’s ministry, a few weeks ago, Marqui Bacon found me on Facebook and said: “The re-launch of the new blog is amazing! I think the volunteers for counseling and prayer is great because that is how I stumbled upon the site. And I am so glad I did because through it I have met Sue Tandy who has become like a counselor to me. Now that the relaunched site has the counselors listed I think many more people will be blessed by it.I hope many more people receive such great help and ministry as I have thus far. Best regards to you and the work that you all are embarking upon.”
If you need prayer or counsel, please feel free to get in touch. Our blog ministers want to help. And I believe they are trustworthy. If you sense that God has something more for you in life, but you feel ill-prepared to go after it, let me suggest that you explore a discipleship experiment with one of our on-line groups that we start from time to time. We attempt to show you how to better hear God’s voice and to use his direction as a touchstone to living a life according to his purpose for you. If you’d like to look into the possibility of being discipled or if you need prayer or spiritual coaching, please click one of the buttons above to learn more. We’ll launch our discipleship groups in a week. In life, as a Jesus-follower, we’re all becoming wounded healers. We’re either struggling with our wounds and trying to find healing, or having been healed, we’re embracing our vocation as healers. Whichever camp you’re in, we’d like to help; so feel free to get in touch with us.

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