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Give to Sarah Buller Memorial Fund

Sarah Buller
In the days since Sarah Buller’s death there has been a tremendous outpouring of love and concern for her family.  We know that many of you have been personally touched and would like to do something tangible.  In response to that we’ve created a fund you can donate to.  Adventures In Missions wi…
By Seth Barnes
Sarah B 1In the days since Sarah Buller’s death there has been a tremendous outpouring of love and concern for her family.  We know that many of you have been personally touched and would like to do something tangible.  In response to that we’ve created a fund you can donate to.  Adventures In Missions will collect monies donated and the Buller family will let us know how they should be used.
Thank you for continuing to pray for the family.

To donate online:

1.    Visit the following link: Donate to the Sarah Buller Fund (Opens in a new window)
2.    Continue through the process.

To donate with a check:
1.    Make checks payable to Adventures In Missions.
2.    On the memo line write:  “Sarah Buller Fund”
3.    Mail checks to:  AIM, P.O. Box 534470, Atlanta, GA 30353-4470

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