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God is looking for whole-hearted seekers

good news
So much of what we do is half-hearted. Our parenting is often half-hearted. We’re so busy with other things that we don’t really give our children what they need – a listening ear, a touch, focused attention. Our relationship with our Creator can be that way. In Jeremiah 29:12, God says, “You wil…
By Seth Barnes

So much of what we do is half-hearted. Our parenting is often half-hearted. We’re so busy with other things that we don’t really give our children what they need – a listening ear, a touch, focused attention. Our relationship with our Creator can be that way. In Jeremiah 29:12, God says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

God is not an ethereal unknowable being; He is a lover who wants to be pursued. The whole Bible is a crazy love story between a creator God and His wayward sons and daughters, children made in His image. We aren’t living random, arbitrary lives. In Acts it says God “determined the exact time set (for us) and the exact places where (we) should live.” And here is the part I love, “God did this so that men could seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:26-28)

When God woke me up to the fact that I could know Him if I would just whole-heartedly seek Him, the adventure in my life began. As I pursued Him, He responded, wooing me to deeper levels of intimacy. He has required of me greater levels of trust, and has in turn proved Himself trustworthy.

If you’re feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from God, it could be that you have not sought Him with your whole heart. My counsel is, turn off the noise in your life and go after a relationship with your heavenly Father and do so with all your heart. He may seem distant now, but in fact, He is very near, waiting for you to seek Him.


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