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God often sounds just like me thinking

God often sounds just like me thinking
Our little team of eight people was starting a new ministry and were becoming overwhelmed by the level of work to be done. We were going live with our web site promising to help people with their dreams, but we still needed to develop the manuals, recruit the coaches, and start the training to be…
By Seth Barnes
War roomOur little team of eight people was starting a new ministry and were becoming overwhelmed by the level of work to be done. We were going live with our web site promising to help people with their dreams, but we still needed to develop the manuals, recruit the coaches, and start the training to be able to do so.
I was in church during worship thinking/praying about all these things and a thought came to my mind. “Create a war room and you’ll double your productivity.”
Was it God or was it me? I don’t know. If I say “that was just my brain working overtime,” then am I honoring God by being conservative about what I attribute to him?
Not if he actually gave me the idea – not if he was speaking to me. Then I’m actually dishonoring him. In my zealousness to protect his reputation, I fail to recognize that he’s serious about having a personal relationship with me where dialogue – give and take – is normal.
Take that thought that popped into my head, for example. I had never done a war room before. The term wasn’t really part of my every day vernacular. Where does a thought like that come from?
Whether it came from God or my head, it was followed by the thought, “The productivity will come through better focus, prioritization, coordination and ideas.” So maybe we could assess the fruit after the fact to see if it was God or not. Jesus says in John 15 to look at a person’s fruit to see where God is working.
So on Monday we started. We pulled our computers into the training center, put white boards and butcher paper all around, prayed about it, and started off at a gallop.
The week was incredible. The Kingdom Dreams web site went live. We produced the manuals, started training our coaches, had teleconferences to cast the vision and shot ahead way beyond what we thought was possible. When Friday afternoon rolled around, people said, “yup, we easily doubled our productivity,” and we celebrated all that God had done.
I think that’s how God wants it. We pray, then a thought comes. We may think it’s our own thought when actually it’s a gift from him. The Holy Spirit, our helper, is actually communicating with us, giving us what we need as we run his errands here on earth. We’re not being reverent when we discount the possibility that he’s working actively like this; in fact what we’re doing is aligning ourselves with the disciples whom Jesus rebuked when he said, “Oh ye of little faith.”
That’s no way to live! It takes faith to believe that God is actually so personal that he wants to interact with us in our thought life. It’s how he interacted with his followers in the Bible – why wouldn’t he do that with you and me?
I love that God allows me to launch out and attempt crazy things for him. I love that he backs me up. And I depend on him to speak to me along the way and speak to me about the things that I can’t see but need.
How about you? I’m betting that some of those thoughts you figured were just your own mad ponderings are actually God speaking to you about a world that could be if you and he were to partner together better. All you have to do is pay attention and give him the benefit of the doubt.

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