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Receive updates on the latest posts as Seth Barnes covers many topics like spiritual formation, what if means to be a christian, how to pray, and more. Radical Living blog is all about a call to excellence in ministry, church, and leadership -as the hands and feet of Jesus.
wow. all I can really say is wow.
Let’s set up “race” to all of the closed countries. We can organize a worship event with music, multimedia, drama, etc… and then BAM “oh by the way this is Jesus.”
We were made for greatness.
I can’t stop crying at even the thought! YES… Dream BIG! I dare you to dream big and ask largely… I am!
WOW….Love it! Excitement to no end. Watching that vid I felt like my blood was bubbling up from within me as if the joy was going to just burst forth. That was incredible. I am with BRIAN. Lets ASK BIG and then DO IT! What are we all asking God big for?
i’m with Brian. WOW. that gave me chills.
PRAISE GOD! I definitely needed the reminder to DREAM BIG.