God wants us to raise the dead

We Christians have a problem. We’re supposed to be doing what Jesus did. I’m not talking about living the sinless life or going to the cross. Most of us get that. I’m talking about using the authority he gave us to “do greater things” than he did. It’s a part of our job description and we don’t s…
By Seth Barnes

Jesus said, “Heal the sick, raise the dead.” (Matt. 10:8). We need to make up our minds that he was serious, that he’s still doing it, and then we need to give it a try. He’s been raising the dead for a long time and he hasn’t stopped yet. A quick review:
- Elijah slept on his side for a year. But later he raised a boy from the dead. (1 Kings 17:22)
- His disciple Elisha did something similar. (2 Kings 4)
- Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb after four days; even after Martha told Jesus he’d be stinking. (John 11)
- Peter commanded a dead body to get up. (Acts 9:36-40)
- Paul preached so long a man fell to his death only to have Paul resurrect him. (Acts 20:9-10)
A lot of people say, “that’s all fine, but we don’t have the authority to do that anymore.” The trouble is, they’ve let their lack of experience define their theology. Nowhere does the Bible say that and if you look around, you’ll see lots of evidence that he’s still doing it:
Smith Wigglesworth pulled a dead body out of a coffin and stood the body up against a wall and commanded it to walk, just one of a dozen people he raised from the dead (hear the story here).
On the World Race, we’ve prayed for the dead and in at least two instances, people have come back to life (read those stories and others about the dead being raised here).
And now we hear stories of how Heidi Baker regularly sees the dead raised through her ministry in Mozambique. My recommendation: Make a decision to get that kind of faith. It may kill you, but if I’m near, I promise to pray for you to come back so you can keep trying.
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Yet again, another confirmation to my thoughts. Love this!
P.S. This picture is amazing!
Well, Saint here is a thought, God told Adam that if he ate the forbidden fruit he would die, On eating it he never fall down and died as people die today, he continued walking on earth, right? was God a lie in saying he would die? certainly not, He actually died spiritually ( Death being a separation of man’s spirit from God) Now the resurrection Issue applies to the Mortal body which was corrupted by sin, at the resurrection we shall have new bodies, immortal, incorruptible availed at the expense of the blood of Jesus, why the resurrection does not apply to the spirit is because Jesus is the resurrection and the life in whom we are, being one in spirit with his Spirit, and our lives being hidden in Christ, Didn’t Jesus say that “whoever Lives and believes in me shall never die..” what did he mean seeing that Stephan who lived and believed in him was stoned to Sleep (Death) Ohhhhhh I wish I had time….
I was raised from the dead after dying from a Pulmonary Embolism the last weekend in January 2012. It was 1.5 days after I had turned purple and was bloated, still on those machines in an Intensive Care Unit at a small hospital. Twice the staff had brought me back, but the third time they could do nothing more. Family had been called in to sign papers and conduct burial responsibilities. The whole town and churches were praying and last rites had been performed. The machines showed a flat line, yet I opened my eyes and was healed. I returned to work and have been fine these six years since.
I have also raised the dead myself through remote prayer in a church at this town. I was walking the aisles praying when God said to speak out to someone, “Get up!” I did, and left for a mission trip to South Africa. The father-in-law of the young mother picked me up for services at his church, bakery and orphanage. He asked me what my credentials were for addressing his congregation. I asked, “Has anything unusual happened?” He was stunned, but later that evening his wife explained that their daughter-in-law had died of chronic asthma in the doctor’s office, but after 45 minutes in a body bag she was raised. She had been quite timid before, but now she was bold in her faith talking to all the neighbors about Jesus. Due to the time differences, it was the same time as the prayer back home. Another missionary had prophesied this would happen, and several other intercessors had words from God for raising the dead, healing and this miracle.
I am currently praying and believing for my daughter to be revived back to life.
It would be nice to read more encouraging words from you C on this walk of faith. She has been gone 124 days now.
We are in the same boat.Im believing God that my son is alive and not Gone.He will bring him back to me for his Glory.I won’t give up.
I am in agreement with you for your son to be raised. I thank God for giving us such passion in our hearts to raise the dead and not give up.
I am in agreement with you for your daughter to be raised. Jesus said to raise the dead. The graves opened up and the dead people came out of the graves when Jesus died on the cross. Bruce Allen [the author or translation by faith] mentioned in one of his books and sermons on Youtube that Chinese believers go to the grave yard and raise people up who died without fulfilling their destiny. I volunteer to God that I want to raise the dead.
Dear Roammie
I’m praying with you. My Dad passed a week ago.
In Christ
My Dad passed yesterday and I am praying for resurrection. I cannot take this pain.
Has she come back yet?
My dad passed more than a week ago, and has been buried. But I believe that God will perform a revival miracle for him just like Jesus did for Lazarus. I believe, but I’m so weak and distressed now. I am too aggrieved. But I keep praying that a miracle beyond human belief can occur. I can feel it. I am not letting go that feeling even though everyone around me has accepted his passing is settled. I refuse to believe that… please pray for me.
Dear Shawn
My prayers and thoughts are with you.
It’s a week now that my Dad passed. I’m not giving up. I will be praying for the power of God to raise your Dad, my Dad and and counties others. Let’s pray together.
There is someone I love so very dearly, he has also fallen asleep, please pray for him to wake up. I believe he can be woken up, I believe in Jesus and I believe miracles do happen. I can’t wait to embrace him and give him a warm hug.
Amen, can you imagine if we, the church, started living with such faith in our daily lives?
We need to start living a life of faith…to harness that power and authority that is God given. Thanks for reminding us. The faith of those who live outside of the US is remarkable and one of the main reasons I love going to other nations to serve.
Love that ending pops! Great blog. I am praying for more guts/boldness.
Yes and amen!
I like this picture of Tommy!
And I remember stories of the Black kids in Swazi going to the morgue to “practice”… I love this crazy tribe.
Curry Blake says if your not trying, your sinning. Well maybe I am putting words in his mouth but, he says that the Bible says to lay hands on the sick… sooo, how many times do we do that? Regardless if we see results, we are told to do it. We can’t just not do it because we dont’ think we will see results. The Bible doesn’t say “lay hands on the sick if you think you can heal them’…it says to do it. By doing it, your obedient… try to raise the dead.. as Caitlin mentions…practicing…. one day you might be very shocked when you see what God does through your hands or the command of your voice for the dead to be raised. Forget about being discouraged, do it out of obedience if not for any other reason.
Thank you for writing this post.
Not only does God mean having such radical faith for raising the physical dead, He is also speaking of dead relationships, dead fellowships in church service, Service Gifts that were not meant to be, But to pray and ask God what service am I supposed to render for you and your people that will revive me and the people I am to give service to; In addition, dead marriages that have fallen apart, etc.. Some relationships are dead because they were not meant to be as such. Some people are meant to love each other from afar. We must accept God’s Will, Let Go, Let God, and Move on to Live In The Will Of God.
Now THIS is what I’m talking about! Lord is going to do work in L squad in this next year in this kind of manner!
Now I know God still has his 7,000 out there who have not bowed down to baal.
May the Lord God and Father of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ richly bless you and preserve you uniquely for His precious OWN. Those are spiritually quenching & invigorating words right there! ! Ooh Glory . . . G l o r a a a a Y!
Yes, God wants us to raise the dead ! Jesus did, and we are to walk this earth as He did. Jesus tells us to do this among other things, in Matthew 10.
I think a really important thing to remember is that Jesus and the Father are one, and Jesus said and did only according to what He heard the Father say to Him. We need to be in submission to God, and be led by the Holy Spirit, not just go out there willy-nilly and “practice at a morgue”. Sounds good, but is it?
Yes… I have come to that desire… I always wanted to die for the Lord Jesus Christ… but I was not living for him.. so know if Christ lives in me He can do all things. even have the faith of Christ to raise up the dead.
Hmmm now i know that FAITH is a universal currency as my Father Used to say’Dr. David Oyedepo’
My Mom died 2 years ago I believe with all my heart she is in heaven, but I am confused about the scripture when Jesus comes back he will raise the dead. Could you please help me understand?
Please pray with me….our pastor committed suicide last week and today is the service. What better way to wake up this area with Christ, than to raise him from the dead! Take what evil meant to do, and give it to Almighty God’s purpose!!
Praying with you.
Wow…I fully agree. I’m sick of being powerless in my perception of my abilities and worse, of God’s provision on the cross. God has already provided every bit of resource we need to do as he has asked us to do. He doesn’t need to be begged as if tight fisted…but His power appropriated by His confident children. It is declaring what already is….that we are healed, and that the power to accomplish signs and wonders has been granted us through the attonement.
Saints I need your prayers, a brother died 8 days ago( he was 20 years old) but I believ that God still wanted him to fulfill HIS purpose to win souls for christ, the u young man was on fire for God, God has put this pull in my heart to pray for his resurecction, I believ God put that desire and pull and that HE wants me to do it for HIS glory and honour. Please pray with me, the funeral was even postponed to next week i believ God is at work her, keep me in your prayers. God bless
Saints I need your prayers, a brother died 8 days ago( he was 20 years old) but I believ that God still wanted him to fulfill HIS purpose to win souls for christ, the u young man was on fire for God, God has put this pull in my heart to pray for his resurecction, I believ God put that desire and pull and that HE wants me to do it for HIS glory and honour. Please pray with me, the funeral was even postponed to next week i believ God is at work her, keep me in your prayers. God bless
Raising the dead is first obedience to christ,secondly, it’s a way to express power over death
Elijah raised up the dead. William Branham raised up the dead Smith Wigglesworth raised up the dead…by the Spirit of Christ that was in them. I seen many mighty miracles of healing. of salvation, .. it is the Spirit of Christ. Jesus in HIS people, Last February 2011 a man came back from dead. a little boy also drown in the river. and the doctor declare him dead.. the people claim the scripture IF THE SPIRIT OF HIM THAT RAISED UP CHRIST FROM THE DEAD DWELL IN YOU, HE THAT RAISED UP CHRIST FROM THE DEAD SHALL ALSO QUICKEN YOUR MORTAL BODIES, BY HIS SPIRIT THAT DWELLS IN YOU. he came back to life..in front of my own eyes … the miracle was published in the news papers…. the raising of the dead might not be for everyone to be used of God, (read Romans 8)…we must live in the Spirit…. crucify the flesh daily, fast be in prayer, continue in HIS WORD…If MY people which are called by MY name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways THEN I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land…..(read it) we must go back to the WORD, THE SCRIPTURES, read daily,…. Is Christ our Lord, is HE our EVERYTHING. do we fast, do we pray, do we seek HIS face,…
Greetings in the name of the Lord… Faith is a revelation, For by faith are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. (Eph.2:8) the Spirit and The Word are ONE…Can one have the right Spirit wihtout the right doctrine, or..the right doctrine without the right Spirit… Can one be without the other… We must have the knowledge of God and HIS truth. the right doctrine sets you free,… AND YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE (John 8:32) I say this for myself also…get in the WORD that sets you free, study, read. get in the Scriptures that will set you free…
hello… Read 1 Corinthians 15 (v.46 and on) (this earthy) cannot inherit the kingdom of God, so as we have borne the image of the earthy (the body of flesh) se shall also bear the image of the heavenly. (has to be part of God, eternal, incorruptible) read verse50 and v. 53 this coruptivle must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality… this talking about the earthy body. Your mom spirit and soul belongs to God, the real you, is inside…you are not a body of flesh, you are eternal if you are a born again Christian. I really pray you read the scriptures and know the TRUTH… it will set you free.
hi.. I have not received commments
hi.. I have not received commments
I browsed for this article as am reading Pastor Chris Oyakhilome book, The Holy Spirit and you, where he quoted Smith Wigglesworth, who called her wife back to life. I’m just grateful to God to read books from God’s general’s. Faith works. Thank you for the article
Man Resurrects 7 days after the burial
We certainly serve an awesome and powerful God. Because I was led just today and really for a couple of days to by the Holy Spirit to read; Ephesians 3:20~Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. This let’s us know that God is a miracle working, supernatural God; able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think. I’m believing for God to raise the dead in my life as well; Something that was taken out of my being many years ago. So, I’m in prayer and believing that God can will and He is working right now to restore.
boy resurrects after 2 years buried in tanzania
1 when text appeared
2 text exhumation exhumation site
I am praying for that, Yvon!
Pls pray to God to raise my dad up,he passed on 3weeks ago but I know God can raise him up,pls I need ur urgent prayers!
Hi Kenny
Is he back? Praying with you. My Dad passed a week ago.
In Christ
hello. got new messages.
I received the baptism of the holy spirit when I was 14 years.
I’m old now and God has taught me great things on my journey . For one thing, we must be born again and just as the wind blows we don’t know how but we can know that he is accomplishing the rebirth in us and that he who has begun this good work in us will complete it before the day of Yahshua, the savior. I have prayed in the name of Jesus my whole life and God did answer my prayers but after he showed me his real name I stopped praying in the name of another .I believe that the gospel has not been preached and very very soon , when the gospel is preached Yahshua will return for those who beleive in his name . Just before this event occurs ( this event is very very close ) those who believe in his name will be prepared to meet him in the air but first many loved ones being raised from the dead can occur along with other miracles that God has prepared for those who will call out to him and take on his new covenant , the covenant that Yahweh gave to Abraham, the covenant that we can take hold of by trusting in Yahweh’s only begotten son, Yahshua, meaning , “I Am Salvation.” Let us humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God that he might lift us up in due time . For there is only one name in the universe whereby we must be saved. By faith in his name all things are possible, including raising the dead and no matter how long one has been dead. The scripture speaks of the second death . At this time all who have died from the beginning of time are in a very very deep sleep . Even if the body has decayed they still sleep . On the last day all will be risen and then comes the judgment . That’s when the 2nd death occurs for those who have not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.
My firstborn son joy died in my womb at 7 months.on january 12/2015.. And i went for ceasarian section on 13/3/2015. Almost 2 months and 9 days have passed.my due date was 19/3/2015….
I request you to pray for my child to come back…to raise him from dead …..i want and need my child… Today itself..
Lord jesus raised many from dead in bible..and now i came to know that smith wigglesworth raised many through jesus and power of holy spirit……
I thank you for praying for me to recieve my son joy back….
And let these words be fulfilled in my child..(isaiah 61:6) (
Jeremiah 1:5)
Dear Mercilina
Praying with you.
In Christ
I will pray for your son to be raised from the dead, in the name of our wonderful and very soon coming King and Lord Yeshua Hamaschiach, Jesus Christ.The one and only name whereby we can be saved. God Almighty is the Alpha and Omega, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
I lost my wife on December 07, 2013, when she was stolen from me by the enemy of our souls, that filthy liar and father of lies and murderer Satan… My beautiful, christian born again, loving and compassionate wife is, and always will be, the only and greatest irreplaceable treasure, jewel and gem in my life and words alone cannot describe the depth and breath of my love for her. I am drowning and suffocating in grief, depression and loneliness over losing her, but I realize that my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ has conquered spiritual sin and death on the cross for me and the entire world, if anyone accepts Him by faith He is faithful and just to forgive their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness.
Please agree with me in prayer and by faith and belief that my darling wife who was stolen before her appointed time from me by the enemy, because she was involved in accomplishing mighty works for the Lord, will be revived, restored and returned to me by God through His Son Jesus Christ and He will restore all that the locusts have destroyed and devoured, and my wife and I will be reunited again to continue to accomplish all our goals together,especially for our Lord and Saviour Jesus. My life is empty and meaningless without my most precious love to share it with, even though I know beyond any doubt that my beloved wife is present with her Lord and saviour in heaven..So PLEASE pray for her return to me, as I will certainly believe in faith for the return to you of your baby boy.
Some verses in the Holy Bible that I am relying on and basing my faith on for the miracle of the return of my wife from the dead are John 14: 12-14, John 15: 7-8 and John 16: 23-24.
Shalom and God bless as we await in expectant faith for our respective miracles for our treasured loved ones to be returned to us in God’s perfect timing and will.
Did your wife ever come back ?
Dear Wayne
Praying with you.
In Christ
Mercilina, remember nothing is impossible with God.
We need to pray for my dad urgent life life life jesus ‘ s resurrection raise him up from the dead .god promised us he will continue his ministry. He has a new service , fruitfulness more than the past. God will use him in lots of places .There are lots of people around us hate us my father, my young sister, my little son and me. The battles was very strong. Please pray for my dad urgent life life ,restoration, fruitfulness, resurrection raise him up from the dead his name is azmy yacoub from egypt. Thanks
Dear Mimi
Praying with you.
In Christ
I sent you to pay for my dad urgent but you didn’t reply me .Please pray for my dad urgent life life life jesus ‘ s resurrection raise him up from the death god promised us he will continue his ministry but the battles was very strong and there are lots of people around us hate us my father, my young sister, my little son and me and making continual evil in every area. The ministry that my dad was responsible and care about it now failed no one else can care about it exactly completely city god promised us he will continue service god more than past fruitfulness more than the past. God will use him please pray for him life here, restoration, resurrection, raise him up from the death his name is azmy yacoub from egypt. We need to see god and glory upon us. We didn’t see the glory of the Lord. The mighty of God instead of the devil took my mother early, money, studies, sickness and now my dad early pray for my dad urgent life life, second chance, glory .god can do that well.
My friend died 2 months ago he was drugged and his car involved in an accident that claimed his life. The very day I’ve heard the sad news I lifted up my voice and cried unto the Lord to raise him from the spirit of death but he was buried 2 days ago. Still in the grave I still believe and have faith that God is able raise him. His name is Dr. Mike God has done it before and He still at work please pray for him. Nothing is impossible before the Lord. GOD BLESS YOU
Dear Elizabeth
Praying with you.
In Christ
My mother died a little less then three weeks ago. Please Pray that she is resurrected from the dead I Miss her so much.
Dear Kay
Praying with you. Please pray for my Dad who passed a week ago.
In Christ
Pray with me for my baby boys Ressurrection he died on 11th december 2016 I have faith that he will come back to life tonight the heavenly father will give him his life back.
my younger brother shakeel amjad died one month ago as on 4 may 2017 on road accident he died before his time because he is 22 year old he decided but not baptist yet but he love jesus a lot and he suddenly dei he is chef by profession every one like him because he is very obedient well i believe Holy trinity God,his son jesus and holy spirit can possible even impossible please pray to God to bring back my brother shakeel amjad to life on this earth as he was living with us in Jesus name amen.
Dear Raheela
Praying with you.
In Christ
my younger brother shakeel amjad died one month ago as on 4 may 2017 on road accident he died before his time because he is 22 year old he decided but not baptist yet but he love jesus a lot and he suddenly dei he is chef by profession every one like him because he is very obedient well i believe Holy trinity God,his son jesus and holy spirit can possible even impossible please pray to God to bring back my brother shakeel amjad to life on this earth as he was living with us in Jesus name amen.
Please pray for my aunty to rise from the dead please she died yesterday I can’t still believe she’s gone please I need someone to pray for me please please I want her to come back
One concern here about raising folks form the dead.?? How many times are they meant to die and the family see them suffer? They die..i actually just had a friend die today the whole family suffered..he was diagnosed with cancer. And suffered greatly..I prayed that the Lord heal him and deliver him but it was not to be. Now he has passed.
What happened?
My only child my son 26 years old was killed this January. He was a teacher, preacher, and firefighter. I believe God will raise him from the dead. Please pray with me. I have faith in Jesus name.
Connie – what a tremendous testimony! Have you shared this story anywhere? I’d love to get a copy of it
Hello Connie, I hope this meets you well. I would like to make a prayer request to raise my mum from the dead. She passed away on Saturday the 14th of April from pancreatic cancer. I believe God can bring her back to us.
I have read about miracles that God has used you to perform and I want to join my faith with yours to pray to bring her back from the dead, healed and restored.
Thanks in anticipation.
Today i lost a patient few minutes after she stepped into my consulting room. I was praying all night and was fasting through the day. At about 6pm she was brought, weak and tired. As I started treatment, she vomitted and the eyes rolled up. I ordered for anticonvulsant but when I checked pulses wesken, I rushed intravenous fluid and continued other resuscitations. But she was deteriorating. I put her on examination couch, did CPR but she wasn’t responding well but grunting. Within few minutes the pupils were fixed and dulsted. I started praying though I don’t pray for Muslims as I don’t want to offend them but I was helpless and had to let go of the restriction. I prayed and got exhausted, my eyes dimmed. I called an attendant to buy me a bottle of coke, I took it to get some energy before I went back praying. In the process, the husband came with a van to take the corpse away. I have faith that by tomorrow she will come back to life. I felt bad and was asking God why I couldn’t bring her back despite my faith I have that she would get on her feet. But even as am typing am still praying and believing that by tomorrow, I will be called and told she is alive. Please pray with me so that God be glorified in the Islamic state I am working in Jesus name. Amen
We have the powers to raise the dead. Death of a loved one is so painful. Christians must brace up with the tasks God has given them. Each time someone dies do not lose hope. Even if you did before, but later realised after you got home, you should still give it your spiritual shot! Make sure you pray for the dead to come back. If it happens, GOD is raised higher but if it does not happen, He remains God. He is THE ONLY TRUE GOD IRRESPECTIVE OF WHAT WE SEE, FEEL OR DO. HE IS GOD ALL BY HIMSELF. HALLELUYAH!,
According to Genesis 6:3 The LORD said, “My spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” The LORD has promised everyone 120 years so no one should leave this earth before that. One thing that we must consider is GOD will not go against our will so if an individual has told the LORD that they are ready to come home and be with him – no amount of prayer will bring them back. Essentially if Satan has plotted to steal kill destroy someone’s life we can bring them back unless they are 120 years old. Even then, the LORD has the last say. I have not brought anyone back from the dead but I do believe that all of us have the power and authority in Jesus name to do that as well as the responsibility to our brothers and sisters in Christ to do so. I pray that I can do it for GODs glory when the time comes. Searching for resources on how to be ready. . . Blessings to all!
Please pray for my youngest brother to be raised from the dead.
Like seriously,it would be awesome
I have been telling my people this since,i just hope we can understand that we have crossed beyond the power level and dimension of the Angels because we are in Christ Who is at the right hand of God,seated high above the angels,we are living by the Spirit in the eternal dimension of God Himself
Pray for my brother to be raised from the dead. He died before his time(suicide) It was an accident because he was going to paint for my mom and sell his motor cycle the next day. Pray that God, Jesus will raised him from the dead.
He deserves a second chance. Pray that he will be raised from the dead in mom’s house.
Pray for my brother to be raised from the dead. He died before his time(suicide) It was an accident because he was going to paint for my mom and sell his motor cycle the next day. Pray that God, Jesus will raised him from the dead.
He deserves a second chance. Pray that he will be raised from the dead in mom’s house.
Pray for my brother to be raised from the dead. He died before his time(suicide) It was an accident because he was going to paint for my mom and sell his motor cycle the next day. Pray that God, Jesus will raised him from the dead.
He deserves a second chance. Pray that he will be raised from the dead in mom’s house.
Pray for my brother to be raised from the dead. He died before his time(suicide) It was an accident because he was going to paint for my mom and sell his motor cycle the next day. Pray that God, Jesus will raised him from the dead.
He deserves a second chance. Pray that he will be raised from the dead in mom’s house.
My sister was just found in her home. My family and I are devastated. We had been believing for a miracle with her. I prayed last night for God to bring her back to life. As soon as I spoke those words out loud- I thought how much the anguish of grief must be affecting my mind because that was a ludacris prayer. God wouldn’t do that- why would He? Yet, I keep crying out to God to bring her back. It must be grief…..right? Doesn’t God have a time to live and die for each of us? I would ask for prayer for my family. We are in crippling grief.
If you trust Kenneth Copeland s word then you need to reevaluate who you listen too.
I am trusting God to raise my husband back from the dead. The number of days it’s not a condition. I believe he can undo and redo and will overturn until he satisfy I and my son with a great testimony such as this. Lord, I believe you can do it.
i am with you, please pray for my dad who has passed two weeks ago.
My husband died on the 11th of this month he had a brain tumor and he died during his operation to remove the tumor his kidneys and lungs got week and his burial ceremony was held on the 13th it has been a week and one day I have been reading scriptures that tells us of the people who were raised from the dead and I believe with full faith that my husband can return to me through resurrection please pray that my husband should get back to life
Dear Bertha
Praying with you.
My Dad passed a week ago.
In Christ