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God wants us to raise the dead

God wants us to raise the dead
We Christians have a problem. We’re supposed to be doing what Jesus did. I’m not talking about living the sinless life or going to the cross. Most of us get that. I’m talking about using the authority he gave us to “do greater things” than he did. It’s a part of our job description and we don’t s…
By Seth Barnes
3661222689 799f19f38dWe Christians have a problem. We’re supposed to be doing what Jesus did. I’m not talking about living the sinless life or going to the cross. Most of us get that. I’m talking about using the authority he gave us to “do greater things” than he did. It’s a part of our job description and we don’t seem to realize how incredible life could be if we’d just gave it a shot.
Jesus said, “Heal the sick, raise the dead.” (Matt. 10:8). We need to make up our minds that he was serious, that he’s still doing it, and then we need to give it a try. He’s been raising the dead for a long time and he hasn’t stopped yet. A quick review:
  • Elijah slept on his side for a year. But later he raised a boy from the dead. (1 Kings 17:22)
  • His disciple Elisha did something similar. (2 Kings 4)
  • Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb after four days; even after Martha told Jesus he’d be stinking. (John 11)
  • Peter commanded a dead body to get up. (Acts 9:36-40)
  • Paul preached so long a man fell to his death only to have Paul resurrect him. (Acts 20:9-10)
A lot of people say, “that’s all fine, but we don’t have the authority to do that anymore.” The trouble is, they’ve let their lack of experience define their theology. Nowhere does the Bible say that and if you look around, you’ll see lots of evidence that he’s still doing it:
Smith Wigglesworth pulled a dead body out of a coffin and stood the body up against a wall and commanded it to walk, just one of a dozen people he raised from the dead (hear the story here).
On the World Race, we’ve prayed for the dead and in at least two instances, people have come back to life (read those stories and others about the dead being raised here).
And now we hear stories of how Heidi Baker regularly sees the dead raised through her ministry in Mozambique. My recommendation: Make a decision to get that kind of faith. It may kill you, but if I’m near, I promise to pray for you to come back so you can keep trying.

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