God’s big picture and your role

There’s a great battle underway around the world and it’s not the war on terrorism. It’s a titanic struggle in the invisible realm.
We may not like conflict, but we can’t escape the reality that there’s a king getting up from his throne to fight and reclaim his kingdom and that he’s asking us to fight for him. We may struggle like his original followers did to understand how or where to engage, but the fight is real. Great multitudes of people are trapped by a dark lord. They live in prisons of hopelessness and despair. Our king’s mission, if we choose to accept it, is that we liberate them.
You know it’s true. So many of our most popular movies speak of this reality: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Avatar. They tell the age-old story from Genesis of a king fighting for his kingdom. The first thing Jesus said about his role on the earth, quoting Isaiah, was that he had come to set the captives free. And now that he’s freed us, we need to join him in his quest.
Some of us have made the decision to do just that. But too often we think the issue is where and how we can fight. We spend years just discovering our identities as citizens of the kingdom. Slowly, (through experiences like the World Race), we become viscerally aware of the fact that there are vast numbers of people in captivity. And we become aware of our role as liberators. But then we sit wondering, “How do I enter the fray? Will I be in the right place? Am I adequate?”
These are good questions, but they miss the point. The point is you are a liberator and you need to get in motion and begin. Don’t worry about the how and where so much. Instead, pay attention to the question, “Who?”
If God has put someone in your life with some experience as a liberator, someone who is somewhat successful, someone who understands your heart, come alongside them. It won’t be perfect and you’ll probably get wounded along the way, but they can do two things for you. They can help you see the field and they can help you learn how to fight. They can help you walk in your new role as a liberator.
Yes, it won’t be perfect, but it will be a start.
Talk to any of us who have been at it for a while. Did we get wounded? Did people let us down? Did it hurt? Absolutely! But that is how we got going and began to learn. Gradually we began to see the field and understand what was going on. As we persevered, we became stronger. We began to dream God’s dreams.
Life is too short to sit on the sidelines. Find someone you trust and get going!
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Great post dad! I love the comparisons and I wholeheartedly agree! I want to get going!!
Yes! I am so running! Anyway, I found this site that is for people who are unsure of their purpose/role. Let me know what you think. iamsecond.com
Sometimes we think we are waiting on God when in reality it’s God who is waiting on us! Had the guy at the gate in Acts 3 kept praying, “Lord heal me. Lord heal my ankle, heal my legs,” but never stood up to walk he would’ve died a cripple.
Yes, let’s get up and walk. Often the things we are asking God for can only be received by getting up and walking forward.
“This earth needs spiritual giants, mighty in understanding, amazing in activity, always having a wonderful testimony because of their faith-filled works.”
….Smith Wigglesworth
Amen to Smith and Amen to Seth!
Thank you, this cut to my bone!! I have been so… hurt by the Godly people in my life that I am having a harder time getting up. Thank you for stirring my Spirit.
“Yes, it won’t be perfect, but it will be a start.”
Thanks for this post, and thanks Gabe for your comment. I sometimes forget that for things to begin, you need to get up and get moving. Kinda like the old saying “You can’t steer a parked car.”
Great post Seth. We need more doers and less talkers.I think this quote says it for me in a few words.
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. ~Frank Tibolt
We need to “start simply but simply start”. It is all about EXECUTION in life, business and the Kingdom of God. Ideas are great. Passion is wonderful. “Get it done!”– That is best……Thanks Seth and others for this prompt.
Great post Seth,
Satan is stepping up his game as we enter into the last days. Times are going to get darker and only a deep relationship with God, a daily laying down of your lives and letting Jesus live through, directing you, protecting you…only that life style will keep you from the plans the enemy has.
Our fight is NOT against flesh and blood…if people have hurt you forgive them for they really do not know what they are doing. The prisons that people are in, many cannot see them , many do not even believe in them.
Love….unconditionally…to all those that are in your life…never allowed the enemy to get a foothold in….do not compromise with Gods standard….do not let satan get a foot in the door for anything.Time is running out.
Keep up the good fight and advance the Kingdom!
As the scales fall from our eyes we begin to see the world from God’s vantage point. Or, so it has been for me. Great post, great follow-up comments from all. But to be found faithfully EXECUTING the tasks God has called me to. And to be found living in Jesus’ greatest commands: loving God with all my heart, soul and strength–and loving everyone, each of you, as myself. That is it. That is all.
Thank you for this reminder of the clarion call!