Going thru a season of failure

Anybody looking at my family might assume that life is hunky dory. But we’ve been going through a season of failure lately. Yesterday I got turned down on a book deal. In the last month or so, two children didn’t get accepted to schools to which they’d applied. Two others struggle with depression. Leah struggles with handicaps. If I were to write a family Christmas letter now, it wouldn’t sound so good. Yet, God has us right where He wants us.
Failure is God’s tool to deconstruct our ego. Our egos guard the periphery of our inner lives, preventing us from taking anything more than a passing glance towards the care of our being.
Looking inward, we see the tell-tale signs of selfishness and the brokenness it has produced. We’re forced to reconcile the idealized ego-interpreted version of ourselves with the reality of motives and actions that are self-serving.
Failure is a big reality check. It tells me, “I’m not really in control here. In fact, I need more help then I realized.” Failure forces us back to the posture of dependence – dependence on God and on others. It gives us the perspective of thankfulness for small blessings. It makes us more accessible to others and therefore more loveable. It strips away pretense and leads us along the difficult inner path to self-knowledge which so few dare to tread in this age of distraction and glossy self promotion.
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Thanks for the transparency. So many times when we run into closed doors we mark them as failures, when in fact, the Giver of Good Gifts has something so much better awaiting that we would never get to if those doors had stayed open.
In the end, HE is the lifter of our heads.
Seth, just tonight at our Family meeting – we discussed our failures, and God’s intents for our lives. WOW! There were tears, anger, and encouragement, but mostly openess and honesty – which I so desire. I understand how we “look” to outsiders…The Peters Family – missions, ministry, laying their life down, etc… however, they do not always see our hearts with its failures, disappointments, weaknesses, and struggles – especially during this season of raising support and prayers for our trip. BTW…I HATE raising support! I love to give, but have always struggled with people doing things for me… Thanks for I John 1:7 – I needed the fellowship.