Greatness has little to do with your competence

I’m in Florida with my college friends. We’re going fishing for sailfish or shark today. I guess you could say that we’ll be flirting with danger. It’s the sort of thing we guys do on occasion to remind us that we have the capacity to be dangerous. Along those lines, in yesterday’s blog, I shared how I got to Cambodia during the time of genocide in 1979. Today, I continue the story…
I had no motorcycle experience, but was given a motorcycle to ride to camp everyday. I wiped out on my first effort, the motorcycle slipping out from under me as I attempted a right turn.
I had received no training for any of this. Hundreds of starving refugees were looking at me for answers and I couldn’t even ride a motorcycle. If there was a greatness in me, it was hiding somewhere far out of sight. All that anyone could see was my obvious incompetence.
1) the refugees raising the chickens and pigs were waiting to be told what to do.
2) We’d run out of water for the pigs to drink,
3) we were infested with a plague of flies.
Now, I was just a 21 year old punk, what did I know about any of this? Who was I kidding? I was over my head, on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride and looking for a way to get off. This was not how my romantic vision of saving the world was supposed to work.
Can you relate to feeling incompetent in a world that seems out of control? I wouldn’t blame you if you’ve come to believe that the world is getting worse and there’s no greatness in you to stop it. But the ironic thing is that it’s not. It’s actually getting better at an astounding rate. Around the world, the church is making in-roads to the kingdom of evil at an astounding rate. If you don’t believe me, read Megashift, a book that details how this happening around the world.
This lie we’re being fed on CNN everyday is a crock. I believe that it’s the Matrix. It’s all stuff and nonsense, and like Neo, we need to get out of the cubicles before it’s too late. Take the red pill.
In Thailand I learned greatness from a Cambodian refugee named Morn Minn. Tomorrow, I’ll share his story…
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Seth, it’s starting to cost me a lot of money to read your blog! You mention these books and I go buy them! The Heavenly Man, Pagan Christianity, and now Megashift. 🙂
Seth I’m glad you got back on that motorcycle, just think if you had given up and gone home just look at what you would have missed.
Love it. Amazing thing is that the Matrix example is exactly the one I’d emailed to Chad a few days ago, how it’s time to decide which direction to go in my own life. “Choose to love the Lord your God and obey Him and commit yourself to Him, for He is your life” – Deut 30:20
Just the title was enough for me!! 🙂 I am REALLY struggling with what we are being asked to do, and how I sometimes feel around my own kids…and what that might say about my competence.
I love itthanks for the encouragement.