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That was heaven meeting earth good. That young man was gifted to communicate the pain of millions. May his voice be heard.
Thanks for sharing this powerful video. I look forward to sharing this with many young boys in counseling.
wow, went from lump in my throat to fired up. good stuff
This is a vital topic and comes close to home. Some dads do the best they can and it isn’t enough. It’s in those moments the warm cloak of knowing who we are in Christ sweeps us away to another place of understanding. I got to a place where after my dad died I had to accept the reality I was missing what we never had. But the ultimate Father through a caring tribe of men fills in. And we grow. And as compensation we develop an eye for “boys who will be men” and the role we can play to encourage them. Having a son has been more healing for me than just about anything. So has knowing that the cosmic drama which saved us involved a father and son. A “father wound” can become a badge of courage and sensitivity later. I am learning that years later. Thanks for posting.
Very moving video. I think that is a main problem with society in the US.
“He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.” Mal 4:6. It explains a lot. One of my favorite books is Experiencing Father’s Embrace by Jack Frost. This addresses a lot of these issues. Here is a great song that goes with it as well……