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Haiti orphanage, trauma & the critics

Haiti orphanage
The closing of the SOG orphanage yesterday made headline news. But the news is not all good. A group of NGOs we’re a part of had a place for the orphans to stay all prepared. Ten volunteers whom they knew and were comfortable with were standing by, ready to help them make a smooth transitio…
By Seth Barnes
haiti orphanage 1The closing of the SOG orphanage yesterday made headline news. But the news is not all good. A group of NGOs we’re a part of had a place for the orphans to stay all prepared.
Ten volunteers whom they knew and were comfortable with were
standing by, ready to help them make a smooth transition. We’d been
preparing months to do this right. Our people love the kids like their own.
Yet when it became international news, it wasn’t us who took the kids, it was police. The pictures accompanying the article tell the story of how traumatic that was.
The story is still being played out and needs your prayers.
Of course the alternative to prayer is apathy or criticism. Over on MSNBC, that seems to be the standard response to the situation:

Laura says: “The problem is that we just can’t help all needy children.

It seems that when we provide assistance to these situations they
only become bigger problems. We feed the children and the number of
children increases exponentially. People try to take these children
into their homes but they are so screwed up from their orphanage
experiences that they can’t adapt to regular homes and families.”
Swordwoman says:  “When are we going to stop helping other countries and start helping our
own people? We have people starving and living in the streets here in
the US yet we donate so much time/money/resources to others and ignore
our own!
I would rather be an ostrich and not know about their suffering.”


The Cyrix Lord says: “sounds like a hostile business takeover by American missionaries who want to bring more reluctant orphans to jesus.”

S. Anderssen says: “So: where are all those “pro-lifers” when there are so many children in
orphanages, and in these conditions!?!?!?!? I don’t see them caring or
helping in situations like these…”
What do you say?

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