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That film made me cry!! Gorgeous. Thank you Emily! And what a beautiful lady you are too – fab photo there! xxx
That film was beautiful! I am so proud of Emily…I pray that she continues to keep her dream alive, what an amazing young woman she is!
Great Job Emily! I actually teared up.
It is so incredible being a mother! He is worth the sacrifice!!!! Had a great day!
Made me cry as well. Seth and Karen, how proud (the right kind of pride) you must be of your daughter as well as the other four young adults God entrusted to you to raise. I pray that God will give Emily His favor and that she will continue to use her gifts to glorify her Master. Love to you all this Mother’s Day.
nice work, Emily. Good instincts. You have talent!
Emily!! This ROCKS!!! Amie’s surprised face made my heart happy and I didn’t bawl, but I DID tear up! (I think that’s what you were going for, no?) 🙂
You’re amazing and you’re going places…I can’t wait to see where following your dreams takes you!
Hollywood…what’s yaur dream??
love you!
This was great. It would be good to consider connecting with the people at the Regent University School of Communications in Virginia Beach. Their film school is very competitive and when I was there working they actually won a student Oscar award. Check them out. The Dean is a friend….Love you.
Great video! I loved the shots, the music, the direction was great… loved it!
Beautiful video….brought tears of joy!!!! Awesome job Emily!!!!! Keep up the great work!!! Your pic is beautiful too!!!